***Celebrating 5 years of AMAZING Full Moon Newsletters this Issue.** With Full Moon Celebrations Praises & Gratitude! |
Art created by Nikki Kurt :: Channel Attunement :: Grandmother’s Message by Grandmother KaariinaDid you ever feel the pull to open a file, or to go to a shelf and to just be drawn to something there? Synchronicity and these magnetic laws of attraction have worked in my life and I am curious about how you relate to those laws? I found a large white envelope this morning, scribbled with notes on its front :*followup with SCIO with Sue Kern and more. Agreements to follow up with folks on that September 4, 2006 day. Notes on the cover that stated clearly what my vision for my life is and what my values are. My heart knew that I have been consistent!And what of the contents of this mysterious envelope from the past to 2020?With a deep sighing breathe of relief and appreciation, this GMA discovered LOVE: prayers and poems honouring mothers, valuing the impressions left inour souls’s bodies by these precious women. Tonal qualities that resonate to this day!AND two more poem prayers inspired by the full moon of that long ago summer.I include one, “Stone Spirit” at the end of this message. Read More Where is GMA now?At Sechelt, inland Salish Sea, on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia Grandmother’s OfferingsRetreat into silence. This is a time to journey into the virtues of quietude, to access the still small voice of your inner mentor, to re embody that which is wild wise and natural.These days we journey within ceremonial containers, the medicine of iboga, the presence of ancestors’ spirits compassionate ones, to retrieve our treasures. We prepare our bodies to serve as earth vases and know more of what we are here to give away! *location within 50 km of Vancouver BC *assisted by Max Serpa *open to 7 beings with INTAKE INTERVIEW with GMA at 604 815 8793 *includes short diet pre retreat, sit out on the land, somatic mapping for integration, sunrise obsidian pipe ceremony of intentions, movement for shapeshifting!CoCreactivitas: Entering the Realm of Cooperation with Great Spirit. This Gathering of YOUR Bundle is a three or six month JOURNEY of LIFETIMES. We are open to receive another 4 in the 3 month Bundle, January to April 2020 and 5 for the 6 month Bundle, January to July, 2020.There is a time for US, a time and space for US, to refocus on our hearts desires, to end the lies of separations from truth! A time to return home, brand new and ready to move forward in service! Authentically empowered, naturally wise, joyously dancing in the divine orders, abundance arises and generosity expressed, all cocreatively! Welcome to the elemental foundation of our ethical lives!*************************************************** Retreats into Silence, Returning to Stillness: Tuckers Inn, Sechelt, British Columbia*this series of retreats are calls to enter that deep quiet place in a setting of gorgeous waters streaming down a mountainside.*we are offering microdoses of IBOGA or the wood, in order to empower the emergence of truth, layered over by stories about*this sequence sets in motion a return to the deep feminine, constellating themselves at new moon February, full moon March, new moon and spring equinox in March, full moon AprilCall GMA Kaariina at 1 604 815 8793 for the full expression or request flyer at kaariinatruth@Hotmail.comNOTE: our team is committed to clear intentional INTAKE and to strongly held re integration after retreat!Truth truth truth*************************************************** Karuna Reiki trainings: Attunements to Compassion and Service*this series of on site and potentially, on line teachings, begin Wednesday February 12 progressing to March 24, 2020 *21 hours of initiations, systematic practices that retrieve souls purposes, intensive hands on experiences with support to release and re integrate, Karuna or compassion is a crucial offering during these times of transitionsCall GMA Kaariina at 1 604 815 8793 for fuller articulation of these offerings from a profound lineage of masters and teachers. Kaariinatruth@Hotmail.com for the INTAKE and request for interview. NOTE: we are deeply passionately committed to building spiritual community globally and want to enhance that which is already here on the Sunshine Coast of wild British Columbia!For each of the above offerings, contact kaariinatruth@hotmail.com or phone 1 604 815 8793 for inquiries.For all of our relationsMandala for Inner Child :: By Heart Visions Art http://heartvisions.net/mandala-inner-child/Leo Full Moon by Elizabeth Jezorski “Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” ~ J.M. Barrie, from “Peter Pan” Carl Jung, the revered Swiss psychoanalyst would often discuss the concept of the Puer Aeternus, or the child eternal. This is the inner archetype of one’s being that refuses to grow up and become an adult, with adult-like responsibilities and problems. Like Peter Pan, this archetype chooses to remain in a fantasy “never never” land where it can chase pirates, communicate with twinkling fairies and rule over its pack of devoted and unquestioning “lost boys” as an adored example of bravery and wit. The Puer Aeternus within ourselves desires to be center stage, to be placed on a pedestal and worshiped as a “good boy” full of clever tricks and deeds of bravery. These lost boys are really unclaimed fragments of oneself, parts felt as inferior and best kept in order, in service to the mission of staying forever young. Yet, like Peter Pan, the child who refuses to grow up is unaware of the real world and the potential harms that befall itself and those whom it claims to love. Like a toddler, Peter Pan innocently, yet recklessly takes for granted his innate ability to escape a situation and keep his band of followers safe. It is unconscious of both the needs and feelings of others, always lead from a “look at me” perspective. It doesn’t take much for Peter Pan’s innocence to become arrogance. This Full Moon, arriving February 29th, in the playful and creative sign of Leo offers opportunities to look at the puer aeturnus within and to examine the ways that we have chosen to exchange our true adulthood for the promise of a fantasy childhood. ReadMore: https://wildembodiment.com/home/f/leo-full-moon-peter-pan-and-the-puer-aeternus Resonant Monkey Moon Stories of Attunement & InspirationFighting Fire with PrayerBy Adam Guzman-Poole Fire! Fire! The forest was on fire as my nephew ran through his imagination doing his best to extinguish the flames. But don’t worry. It was just a story, or so I thought. Read moreDear PlacentaBy Sarah LoveHave you ever heard of a Lotus Birth? Have you ever considered the beautiful organ that nourished you in Mama’s womb? In many cultures, this organ is revered for its sacredness, power and protective qualities. Read moreLaundromat Conversations with GmaBy Max Sherpa It is to be expected that power of a different nature will appear different. It is to be expected that it will not necessarily compete. Simply to say ‘I AM’ is a profound form of consciousness that shakes the earth. Your nomadic ways GMA are your signature, your consciousness which shakes the earth. Read moreThe Eagle and the Orca; A Great Love StoryBy Jamie Renee Lashbrook I receive you this morning under a rainy window. The winds of change tell me something bigger than we can know in our minds is shifting. I’m present to the Earth’s prayers and her call for me. She says that when all women align to and listen to their womb body life will restore to balance. Read moreThat Time I Heard Trees Speaking By Natalie RossYesterday was my 36th birthday, and it marked the one year anniversary of when I first got brave enough to record myself channeling messages from tree spirits. Looking back at that simple act just one year ago vs. where I stand today… it was all guided by connecting with spirit and my intuition. Read more Grandmother Invites us to Celebrate World Sound Healing Day, February 14th! https://www.worldsoundhealingday.org/ |
Stone Spirit “After a ceremony with some Blackfoot, I felt the heartbeat of a stone relative to my own hand.” *Rainbow Eagle I remember sharpness. The separating from mother and father. A burning. A cooling. Red molten burning. Frigid cold. Prior to expansion. Then the splitting apart A slow, torturous process until some pressure, The wind I believe, or a root, had to be a root. That of a tree most likely, kind I do not remember. Just expanding pressure in this fissure, this separation. I was complete, entire by my self. No longer one with parents energy. Now on my own. It took some time To realize I had some force inside me. That discovery seemed endless too. This journey in place. Except When another force would relocate me, Move me inches or longer distances. It was when I felt this heat oike sun Inside that I realized VIBRATION<> A beating. That continued with Coldness too and all manner of climes. Then, I remembered distinctly When I was picked up, the receiving hand Vibrated me. With me. Touched my energy. A heartbeat, my holder said. A heartbeat, I repeated. Made me feel safe, good, well, alive. And ancient like my parents. *John Fitzpatrick, July 2005, 2006Cause of the Month The Rehumanize Movement provides education on the power of restorative justice to centralize accountability, rehabilitation, transformation, and the voices of sexual violence survivors. Please take a look at this beautiful work guided by Marlee Liss and spread the word. Read more about her story and the movement here: https://www.rehumanizemovement.com/Special Protection & Self Care For our beloved CoCreavatars, allies, and collaborators, partners and travellers, GMA Kaariina carries the signatures from her Gene Codes for the Essene Teachings, house of Mother Mary. Her commitment to the Principles of Peace and to the practices of as much live foods as possible plus the hexagonal scalar wavelengths infused waters, are all part of these Codes. Dr. Cousens is our living ancestor, Reiki Master, many times blessed including by the Lakota teachings. What he offers here is a PREPARATION for the times to come, epidemics of the VIRUS known as FEAR! We counsel your hearts to listen to what is necessary for your own health, protection, and responsibilities for children and grandchildren, and just do it! Let us know what more is possible to prepare ourselves for this final release from planet earth of great hate and great fear! For all of our relations Offered with love holiness great peace and joy! Click Here to Read more from Dr. Cousens on the Coronavirus (with additional wisdom from Gma)Featured Musical ArtistAmber Lily WomanFeatured ArtesaniaArtesanias Tuntiak Carlina Nogera of the SHUAR People of the Sacred Waterfalls “Artesanias Tuntiak was created thanks to Mother Nature, in which it was seen at the waterfall ceremony along the path of UWI NAMPER. All designs are created within our Amazon in which we enter a healthy world, in which we fill ourselves with many ideas to be able to make our designs based on nature. I am a SHUAR woman who wishes that the world knows our culture with the support of each one of you.” Click Here to Purchase these Inspired Earings https://www.1111.codes/rainbow-circle Or visit Artesanias Tuntiak’s Instagram to view all of her creations *** In beautiful collaboration with eleven eleven codes https://www.1111.codes/Featured Image“How Long?” Art by Vandorn HinnantThis particular work of art was created during an artist residency sponsored by the National Parks Service in response to a call for works that speak to our collective concerns about the endangered environment. *** The title “HOW LONG…???” is taken from a sentence of text in the work of art. The text addresses the question of our collective responsible stewardship here upon planet earth. In this work, I have drawn inspiration from the spirit of my Native American ancestors. The text is written as if an ancestor is speaking. There is visual reference to the earth, an individual standing upon the earth, and the sky with a sun and another star. The arching line across the picture plane references spirit connecting a human to the stars. Bonus! Featured Music It’s a new decade! Listen to your inner wisdom for your 2020 vision.Herbal Ally of the Month 3 Winter Herbs 1) Cinnamon Cinnamon is a pillar in Traditional Chinese Medicine that spread to Europe and Egypt. It was once valued as more precious than silver. But nowadays, it’s just another seasoning on the spice rack. Though cinnamon is usually thought of as a culinary herb, it is very medicinal. Like ginger, cinnamon has the ability to get the blood flowing and warm you up quickly. This warming quality is the spearhead for the rest of cinnamon’s healing qualities. It also: Fights pain and inflammation Promotes proper digestive flow Other amazing effects of using cinnamon are: Lower blood sugar Holistic oral care It is incredibly easy to integrate a healthy dose of cinnamon into your diet. Simple things like: Drinking more chai tea Mixing some into your honey jar Brushing your teeth with powdered cinnamon 2) Ginger Ginger was first cultivated and studied in Asia, but soon became introduced to trading routes with Europe. This is a timeless herb that offers countless healing abilities and was regarded by our ancestors as a “heal all.” Ginger is potent, powerful and pungent — the perfect herb to help you stay vibrant during the darkest nights of winter. It is considered to be warming to the body and has specific healing abilities that are very helpful this time of year, including: Fighting infection and flu symptoms like sore throat, chills, and congestion Combating pain and inflammation Calming and healing the digestive system There are numerous ways to incorporate ginger into your everyday life. Try easy things like: A decoction (strong tea made by boiling fresh root in water for an extended amount of time). Adding it to cooking broth, seasonings or in baking 3) Clove Clove was originally grown on the Spice Islands of Indonesia but was popularized when China traded it with the western world. This powerful herb has rich volatile oils that: Boost immunity by fighting bacteria, fungus and viruses Loosen up tight muscles Numb pain when applied topically Open up the lungs and loosen up mucus Clove is a very versatile herb that can be helpful to you in 3 different preparations: Internally: brew a strong cup of chai tea Externally: make some massage oil Aromatically: diffuse clove essential oil or boil cloves in a pot to humidify your home Source: The Sacred Science Team Crystal Ally of the MonthPhoto credit: The Arkenstone Kunzite As this moon energy arrives to bless us, we ask that the energy of Kunzite support the opening of our hearts in connection to our channel to align with the energy of the highest frequency of light. The energy of this time calls for softness as well as light in dark times and strength. May the spirit if this glowing pink galactic heart stone nurture the frequency of attuning to love to all things even those that challenge us in a graceful and peaceful way. By Molly Byrnes eleven eleven codes https://www.1111.codes/Partners Rehumanize with Restorative Justice ♡ Focusing on repair rather than punishment, our mission is to create a cultural, heart-led shift in the ways we respond to sexual violence. Marlee Liss founded the Re-Humanize Movement alongside her mother, after her sexual assault case concluded with restorative justice. https://www.rehumanizemovement.com/ Link to latest Forbs Article Sharing Details of Marlee’s WorkEcology of Kinship with Penny Livingstonin Sacred Valley, Peru Penny Livingston & Reviveolution & Yanapakasunshis are joining forces with Quechua educators and indigenous stakeholders in Peru this March to map out a master Glacier to River restoration plan from Cusco to Machu Picchu. Registration and details here: https://reviveolution.net/ecologyofkinship/Siddha Magics CBD Oil OfferingSpecial Offering for our CoCreavataric Community, of 40$ a Bottle Email: sethmonkmail@gmail.com for more InfoAllies and Collaborators Support Grandmother KaariinaHelp fund the Grandmother Bundle!For my young ones, I see you, I recognize your gifts, you are the investment of my time consciousness and space! I was born to love you through the darkness into the light! For all of our relations! May all Grandmothers Traveling with Bundles be held with such affection, and remuneration! ____________________ With gratitude to KARUNA, Nature Flow, Gma’s spiritual grandson, for setting this into motion. For NATALIE ROSS for your editing. For ALICIA RICHARDS for the video.Go Fund the BundleWhole-Hearted Thanks and Bows of Gratitude to you, our Beloved Readers!Editing Team & Issue Contributors Kaariina Saarinan :: Grandmother & CoCreavatars Bundle Keeper ::Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen is a well-trained educator, Moon Dancer, pipe carrier, sweat lodge chief; she knows ceremonies maintain the frequency of the ONENESS for all who come to share! Her Travels have co-created a universal path of integrity for those who say “YES to LIFE”! Email her to learn more! For All Our Relations! kaariinatruth@hotmail.comElizabeth Jezorski :: Editor & Contributing Author :: Elizabeth Jezorski is a Yogini and spiritual teacher living on the coast of Maine. Liz draws upon modalities of astrology, movement, psychology and yoga to midwife the soul into wholeness and authenticity. Visit www.wildembodiment.com to learn more!Reba Campbell :: Editor & Contributing Author :: Reiki Master & Sound Healer & Sacred DancerYoga & GROOVE Dance FacilitatorBody Love & Relationship Coach www.dancingwildfire.comMiku Lenentine :: Editor & Contributing Author :: Dr. Miku is a vibrant playful Goddess cat creature Being. She has her Doctora de Mas Grandes Spirituales and a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Psychology from the University of Washington. She is one of the founders of The Way of Vibrantly, a non-profit wellness organization and school, dedicated to supporting Vibrancy and Authentic Beingness. Peeyush Kumar :: Editor & Contributing Author :: Dr. Peeyush Kumar is a vessel manifested as universal love of self, spirit and rhythms of life. Currently living in Seattle – he gathers together the spirit of myths & science, movement & engineering, astrology & psychology, eros & logos and delight & compassion in service to life, to the infinite creative potential of conscious play – to dharma & maya.Nikki Kurt :: Editor & Artist:: Nikki Kurt is a Soul Archaeologist and Seer who connects people, energy, and words through her intuitive practice of healing as Art. She serves the greatest Clarity of ALL through Graphic Storytelling – capturing the energy of the moment one story at a time.Molly Byrnes :: Artist & Contributing Author :: Intergalactic travelling soul and keeper of the starseed awakening frequencies @1111codes, Molly focuses on awakening codes and prayer of place & space. ✨Currently available for seasonal transition magical manifestation support. For more information contact, 1111codes@gmail.comJamie Renee Lashbrook :: Contributing Author :: “Jamie Renee Lashbrook is a Wisdom Keeper, devotee to and vocalizer of the Goddess in their many faces. Her realm of work lies within the womb body physically and archetypally held within all created beings regardless of gender, size, shape and color. Learn More About Jamie’s Work Here.Max Sherpa :: Contributing Author :: Sarah Love :: Contributing Author :: Natalie Ross :: Contributing Author :: CoCreavataric Partner ::Natalie is the ringleader, podcast priestess and host of Earth Speak! Listen to her podcast here and find out more about here work at: https://www.earthspeak.love/about-homeAdam Guzman-Poole :: Contributing Author :: |