New Moon Messages

About the CoCreavatars New Moon Messages from the Elders Series

Every New Moon we will share messages from our precious elders, featuring their work, and helping to bring forth their bundles of wisdom into the world to invite a deepening shift in the field, to attune to the frequency of the one world tree and to begin to realize the time of prophecy we are living in. A return to the sacred, a remembering of the ancient ways. Gratitude for these amazing wisdom keepers! 

If you would like to feature an elder in your community, please write us at with your ideas 3 weeks prior to the next New Moon. Submissions must be sent by 1 week prior in order to be published for the upcoming issue. Also, we would love talk with you about any Elders you would like us to reach out to. Call Miku at (+1) 206.403.8134 any time!