“Harmony & Healing with Sacred Tobacco”
![]() Welcome Dearest Readers to Our Message From the Elders during this sacred New Moon time. *** During this holy time, we hear a message from Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino. Dear Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino brings us teachings from Peru working with the most powerful of all healing plants for the Ashéninka people, the Sheri, or Sacred Tobacco plant. This plant of all the plant beings has the strongest medicine for connecting with Pawa (Creator). May you receive the teachings that you need from this offering well, dear readers. It is potent! Of special note for this issue: We are featuring quotes in the Ashéninka Language to honor the original people and the original language of Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino. *** Thank you Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino. Thank you Mama Shabeta! Thank you, Wisdom Keepers, and Dear Elders, Grandmothers and Grandfathers. Gratitude for you! Thank you to Molly, Tanner and the CoCreavatars Editing Team. For your support, inspiration, and for making this work possible. Thank you always, Abuela, Grandmother Kaariina for carrying the bundle of CoCreavatars and tending to the sacred fires of our co-creation and creation for the world. Write me with any comments, ideas or suggestions for Elders we should feature at mikulenentine@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you dear ones. With Love & Aloha, For All of Our Relations, Miku ![]() : Conversations with Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino By Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino Interviewed by Molly Byrnes & Miku Lenentine Translated by Abuela Bernadette Torres Edited by Miku Lenentine & Tanner James ![]() For this New Moon Message, I want to present to you this Sheri which is a name in the Ashéninka language for tobacco.” “Aribée, kameetsa pipokajeete abirori aparopai nonampikika. Naaka nopaita Ashéninka Mino, jée arí, nopoñaa naari anta pashniki antaroite nampítsi opaita nampitsitátsiri Peru. Nonampi osaike anta niyanki inchatoshmashki, iroainishiki antakoenini asakiniki antakoniki ashenikai” “Roñaaka areetapaaka ikenapiintzi obákerari kashiri, roñaaka nompímiro naari noñaani kapicheeni. Jée, nokobi nonijaimiro oka Sherika tsika okanta antabaitzi otasorenka rori, jée, ari opaitari añaaniki Sherí, jéeñaaneki opareniki Sherí, jéeñaaneki oparenitari.” [Above Quote in the Ashéninka Language] ![]() ![]() “This Sheri Tobacco Being is either Grandmother, Grandfather, cousin, brother, or sister, depending on how you create the relationship with this sacred plant. Today I would like to share with you teachings from my culture and the steps, from the tradition I am part of for working with this plant being as a medicine teacher. I would like to describe how this Sheri can help the physical health of a person and provide wellness.” The work that I do is not complicated. It’s actually very, very simple. There are three parts to doing the work: First, there is the connection through the sacred tobacco, then there is the medicine healer, myself, who is doing the work, and lastly there is also the Pawa. Pawa is the name of the infinite Source, the universal light, or God to some people. Whatever name we use, whatever holy name, the third part is this sacred connection to Source and there are many different names that we use for it. When I make this connection with the three parts I am able to do healing of the physical and spiritual bodies of people. When we are preparing to work with the healing in this way, it isn’t just working with the sacred plant, we prepare everything the plant is connected to. We pray and work with the seeds we have taken from our plants and these seeds are prayed over before they’re even put into the ground. We also pray over the land and anything that we do to prepare the soil, that’s prayed over and then all together we plant in the summertime when the earth is warm because tobacco seeds don’t like the cold. If the night is not warm then the seeds will not grow. So we prepare even before we have the opportunity to plant the seeds. During this time of planting and preparation, we listen to the messages, stories and teachings from moon and stars. We bring all of these teachings we have received together before we do our planting. If we planted these seeds during the new moon these plants will grow weak. They wouldn’t have the strength or force of healing as strongly than if we planted them during the full moon. So we need the concentration of the full moon when we plant the seeds for everything that we do healing work with. We have to also pay attention to the teachings of the leaf when the plant starts to grow and flower. We always want to look at the leaves because they’ll tell us whether they carry the feminine energy or the masculine energy. ![]() “Many times we hear people saying “you need protection. If you’re on this path, you need protection.” The Tobacco plant provides this protection.” “Aakotzi akémiri atziripayeni ikantajeetzi ontzimatyée atzikaakobentyáa, jée ari okántari, aririka pisaiki kaariperori abotsi ontzimatyée paakobentyáa, ontzimatyée pitzikaakobentyáa ipajénkaimikátachari shermaarii kantari pantyashtetyisatachari.” The Tobacco plant contains something called guides that grow between the full leaves. We call these little plants that sprout up the guides. Once the Tobacco plant is fully grown, you take one of the guides from the top, one from the middle, and one from the bottom. These three leaves are all put into water and boiled. When these waters cool they are used as part of a protective bath that surrounds the bather with protective medicine. And so when you’re done bathing yourself, you always say “thank you, I appreciate it” to Grandmother, to Grandfather, Brother, Sister, or Cousin Plant Spirits. You say whatever comes from your heart to respond to the plants so that you’re giving your gratitude. This is the time of the harvest. So you always want to ask. Always asking and giving gratitude, but always asking permission to use the plant to do the healing work. Then you harvest it and dry it in the shade. A shaded place not directly in the sunlight. Once the Tobacco plant is dry and crispy you break it down into its smaller form. Then you need a container that you can hold it in. And this is ready. This is dedicated. And now you can work with this tobacco. There are many different ways to work with the sacred plant. I want to share three different methods: The first one is to make it into a paste. There’s a natural and Native way to prepare that paste. Once it is ready and prepared you pray over it and you dedicate it. You ask it for smoke. Then, once it is ready you mix it with your saliva. In my culture it is very natural for the person who works with the tobacco to spit the tobacco directly on the person receiving healing because it draws out what they call “danyo” the damage or harm that has been done to a person. That’s the most direct way to draw it out. But in the United States, when I work here, you have to be careful. I have a lot of respect for this culture because I understand the people here were not raised in the traditions of my people. So, I don’t use this method of Ashéninka teaching on the people here. In the United States, I use the fresh Tobacco leaves. ![]() I am always asking permission, I am always giving thanks.” “Aririka Pitanakiaro paniite oka kameetsatatsiri abotsi, irootaki kameetsari abotsi, jée aabintáarontsi onatzi roñaaka, jée naari naakotzi nokoakotapintziri iyeetepaye chookíitepaye ompenaata otasorenka, aaikyati itakiteri noakiriikaiteri paziitazitapi noakiriikaiteri noakikaiterzitapi” For working with the fresh leaves, I follow the guides, taking from the top, middle, and the bottom of the plant as I mentioned before. From this we make a liquid that can we can bathe ourselves with. For this bath it is important to not wear clothing. You want to be completely nude. In the United States we have to take precautions around nudity so generally, I don’t use this technique here either. But in Peru, among Ashéninka People both Men and Women would work with me and am able to bathe them in the traditional way. So, the third technique is used here in the United States. It is the friendliest way the people of this culture accept the smoke of the tobacco. In this technique I work with the Tobacco smoke through a small pipe. Before I work with anyone I prepare the space and prepare myself as part of that space. I prepare myself because when I work with someone who needs healing I am entering into the space of this person. I need to make sure I protect myself first [before I] do the work. I prepare myself so that when I go into that space, I am able to not take on the energy the person is carrying. ![]() “I work with people in-person as well as remotely. For the remote healing, I work from my altar and connect with people across space and time to where-ever they are in their own space no matter where they are in the world.” It can be difficult to explain to people about how this remote healing work happens. Some people are even embarrassed about participating or sharing what they have experienced with others because it is not easy for people to actually really understand how the spiritual work takes place. It is difficult to fully grasp how people are able to pass through time and space. But for those who we work with, it can be tremendously powerful. The remote healing, or long-distance healing, usually takes anywhere between an hour up to two hours. It is different for each person I work with, everybody carries a different sort of energy, receptivity and response. Sometimes it can take an hour and fifteen minutes, sometimes it takes two hours. We can’t tell people how long it will be because we don’t know what they’re carrying. During the healing session, I work from the top of the head to the tip of the toes and work every meridian in the body and every energy center in the body until those energies release. My full task is to create harmony and equilibrium in the person being healed and to reconnect the person to their spirit. Part of bringing harmony to a person is to bring back their joy, their passion, their strength. Everything that creates harmony and equilibrium. I work with the three parts of human life: The childhood memorial lineage, the Mother’s lineage, and the Father’s lineage. Every person has a different connection. Their Mother’s lineage, their Father’s lineage, and their own memorial childhood lineage. They’re all different. And how they heal or how they’re inclined is always different depending on each person and what they have experienced and what their Mother and Father have brought into their story. I also work with drawing people back in their feminine or masculine energy. If that energy is out of balance or it is really dispersed it needs to be drawn back into the person so they can feel strength again. ![]() or up to two hours it can feel like a whole day, a whole day has passed. From sun up to sun down. So, when the work is complete, I need to take the time to cleanse and recover myself.” I always ask permission to do this work. I always give thanks for doing this work. I call in all of the spiritual brothers and sisters who are either attached to the person or the ones that work with them when I do these healings. I give thanks in the beginning and ask to do the work. I give thanks at the end for the healing that was able to come through and pass to the person. I do this by going to the water and asking the water to cleanse. In my case, my water is a shower because I don’t have access to an ocean or a river. I go to the shower and I address the Water Being there. I ask of the water “Abuelita, Grandmother, help me” and I don’t use shampoo or soap because this is not about the physical cleansing of the body. It is about the water cleansing the spirit and bringing back equilibrium and strength to myself after this healing session. I start with warm water and then I turn it to cold water for about ten to fifteen minutes. Then, at that time, I feel back to myself again. Then I sleep. At times while I sleep after these healing sessions other visions, or dreams will come to me. They are more than just dreams. They are messages of the work that was done. Okay, that’s it! It’s done now! Muchos Gracias. Thank you for everybody listening to me. For this platica (talk)! Aribée paasonki Thank you very much, Naakataki Mino Mino ![]() ![]() Sheripiari Ashéninka (Brother) Mino was born in a palm tree hut and grew up in the Ashéninka Indigenous Community in the central jungle of Perú. His first native language is Ashéninka. He comes from a family of healers. His grandfather, Sheripiari (healer, who works with Sacred Tobacco) Kentzikoari, traveled on foot and by spirit to many nearby communities to work with sick people. Mino, as a child, was learning as he sat next to and watched his grandfather. It is natural among the Ashéninka to use all the natural elements that grow around them. His parents guided Mino to continue learning the wisdom of the sacred plants that help heal through Ashéninka Traditional Healing. Mino is a teacher in Intercultural Bilingual Education and Translator for Ashéninka/Castellano, which inspired Mino in the development of primers and reading materials in the Ashéninka language. His first three working documents for reading and writing in the Ashéninka language are “Alphabet Ashéninka”, “Nabireri” and “Kamaari Ipoña Ashéninka”. His older sister “Sshibá”, currently works as a Naturopathic Doctor, who also profoundly influenced Mino’s life. Since 2009, Sheripiari Mino has continued to develop his traditional knowledge and put into practice his work for the comfort of the North American people using the infinite power of Pawa(God), Sheri (Sacred Tobacco), sacred stones, sacred fire, and sacred feathers to eliminate accumulated negative, and harmful energy which is causing disharmony for the person and their space. Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino currently works in Shabeta Sheri Garden, an outdoor space for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing. Mino works with the support of Maestra Bernadette Torres, (Herbalist, Reiki Master and Nature enthusiast). Mino has been invited to travel to Ohio, Florida, Seattle, Colorado and many cities in New Mexico to help heal people, their family, their homes and their community. Mino’s vision is to continue sowing seeds and growing wholesome communities of plants and people while helping to bring balance to all the beings of Mother Earth. Mino is available for classes, presentations, individual/group healing, and Sacred Sheri ceremony. You can write to Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino here http://shabeta.com/contact or learn more about his healing work by visiting his website or Facebook Page! ![]() ![]() ![]() How to Support Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino? Due to Covid restrictions, one of the best ways you can support Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino is to reach out to him about scheduling a remote healing. Visit http://shabeta.com/ for more information. You can also donate directly to Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino to support him in his healing work or donate to the Marankiari Bajo Native Community Here: https://ciamb.org/index.php/contacto/ ![]() ![]() Ashéninka Traditional Indigenous Healing TreatmentsSheripiari Mino does not watch the clock. He feels the energy of each person and has a sense when the person has released what they can for the session. Sessions last approximately 1 & 1/2 hours but can last up to 2 hours. We do a short Platica (conversation about the requested healing) and then a short guided healing meditation to help the person relax and be more receptive to the healing and spiritual blessings. Mino was trained since childhood by his grandpa Kentzicuari to do long-distance healing. (Sheripiari in Mino’s indigenous language means Man who works with the Sacred Tobacco.) In Ashéninka Mino’s culture there is no plant that is greater in connecting one to Pawa (Creator). Remote/Long distant healing.Mino is available for long-distance healing and during pandemic, we are offering long-distance healing ONLY. Mama Shabeta: “How it is possible to do this work? The energy body is not something that is spoken of in everyday, ordinary moments. It is unique to many of us. I myself did not understand this technique when I first met Mino in 2006, but after translating for him for the last 14 years, I have grown to see how accurate he is with his findings of the imbalances that people request help for. I am fascinated by how pure this work is. Most of the people who call us for long-distance are people we have never met or seen their faces. Because we don’t have the distraction of knowing the physical body, the personality and ego are minimized so we are able to work with pure energy.”We will confirm and hold your space when we receive your offering.Offering=$120USD cash or PayPal (please send as a gift as not to incur fees) http://paypal.me/ShabetaWe appreciate the divine reciprocity.” To schedule a Long Distance Healing with Sheripiari Ashéninka Mino & Mama Shabeta contact them HERE. ::Testimonials:: :::♡♡♡::: “If anyone needs healing or distance energy work, Ashéninka Mino carries a direct lineage line and understands subtlety and works with sacred tobacco spirit and smoke to do his work. He works in partnership with his amazing wife Bernadette Torres at Shabeta Garden In addition to having several sessions over the years. Once I referred a friend to him and her autoimmune diagnosis was gone several months later. Distance healing is one of the most challenging types of energy work as it requires great concentration, quantum field manipulation and a deep connection to the divine to be effective.” By Molly Byrnes :::♡♡♡::: “We can all use some healing support… especially spiritually and energetically. Bernadette & Mino have been bright lights in my life over the years. I’m grateful for traditional healers who continue to carry on the message of plant wisdom.” By Heather Sobel RN :::♡♡♡::: “Thank you!!! And fyi every one,I had a great tobacco healing with Ashéninka Mino, before this craziness. I recommend him when this is over. Clear all the Hucha!!” By Karen DiTrapani :::♡♡♡::: “I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mino a couple of times. One was in person and the other was long distance. Both were equally as powerful. If you’d like to ask me questions regarding my session, please DM me. I’m happy to share. Thank you, Mino and Bernadette Torres for your offerings and service. Ometeotl!” By Marisa Hyodthi Morales. :::♡♡♡::: “I had one a few days ago for illness. Feeling better everyday! Thank you!” By Maddi Cheers :::♡♡♡::: “We had a distance healing on Friday with Ashéninka Mino and Bernadette at Shabeta Garden. It was really incredible and we were able to feel the energy moving over space time. We HIGHLY recommend Ashéninka Mino – he is always at the top of our list for energy healers as he carries his lineage with deep care and his ability to channel and work with subtle energies is literally remarkable.” “He can help with specific physical issues or general energy maintenance to prepare for these times.” “Thank you Mino for all you do!!!” By Molly Byrnes. :::♡♡♡::: “I have spoken very little about the 4-days I spent in New Mexico, simply because I do have a vocabulary for such an experience. There are no words for this. Below is Bernadette Torres and Ashéninka Mino, who I had the honor of spending time with, sharing space, and receiving some deep energy work. I am already missing everyone so much and still feeling the permanent affects of those 4-days. Life will never be the same. Grateful is an understatement.” By Chrissy Velez :::♡♡♡::: “Last night I received a beautiful Sacred Sheri healing, guided meditation & spirit journey by incredible humans. I’m still processing & journaling the clearing & the sacred wisdom coming to me. I’m placing a website link below. Do reach out I highly recommend this medicine for your journey. By Caitya Kaniatobe :::♡♡♡::: “My healing work with Meno last July has changed my life. I am still manifesting changes on the outside from the work that was done on the inside. I can’t speak enough to their love and this work that they do.” By Debbie Martin. ![]() ![]() Visit our website here to learn more and support the Ashéninka Indigenous People! https://ciamb.org/index.php/presentacion/ ![]() Become a Fan! & Tune into Radio Maranki 89.9 Radio Maranki 89.9 aims to strengthen the cultural identity of the Ashéninka indigenous population of the Peréne district. And promote the strengthening of social and cultural educational spaces that generate recognition and appreciation of our cultural and linguistic diversity. Learn more here: https://ciamb.org/index.php/radio-maranki-2/ . ![]() ![]() About the CoCreavatars New Moon Messages from the Elders Series Every New Moon we will share messages from our precious elders, featuring their work, and helping to bring forth their bundles of wisdom into the world to invite a deepening shift in the field, to attune to the frequency of the one world tree and to begin to realize the time of prophecy we are living in. A return to the sacred, a remembering of the ancient ways. Gratitude for these amazing wisdom keepers! If you would like to feature an elder in your community, please write Miku at mikulenentine@gmail.com with your ideas 3 weeks prior to the next New Moon. |
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