Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity CoCreAvatars Newsletter #61

Harmonize :: Modelling
Art created by Nikki Kurt Grandmother’s Message
by Grandmother Kaariina
 Sometimes, just being fully in a human body can be terrifying.  As though the quality of consciousness beyond the body cannot fit in that vehicle or vessel. As though there is a great spiritual crying out to RETURN HOME! These are times of much post traumatic shock emergences, awakenings to what we in two legged forms have chosen!  And many are projecting the nightmares of horror during these awakenings upon others as though others are to blame.  The complaints go all the way to SOURCE, the Universal Core, to what we call GOD!  Why me, GOD? Does this sound familiar? Tremors arise, sweating emanates, fear frozen during long generations of female suppression and seduction, of women suffering under the guise of safety in marriages or within religious encampments, or infants crucified through harsh hospital births with mothers anesthetized…. Please add to this list so that you can begin to realize what blocks your life force, what keeps you stuck rather than in the flow of life! Each symptom or signal is a pathway that is opportunity to resolve the original decision in our timelines, when WE decided to view self others and life itself in a certain way.  These CORE beliefs are frozen within the core of being, in the central channel.  Accessible through transformational breathwork, through kundalini yoga, through profoundly grounded and sacred ceremonies, they can thaw and release the images that keep our spirits caught in pasts ! Each encounter with what is now arising and alive is opportunity for miracles and each moment can be perceived as miracle.  Since they are the natural order of the day, humanity is at the threshold of claiming its destiny.  At making the quantum leap into another state of consciousness or quality of being and viewing life through a unique lens: that of self mastery learning lessons by studying one’s own path, offering teachings from these insights as a correct view of life’s purpose.

Read More Where is GMA now?At Sechelt, inland Salish Sea, on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia Grandmother’s OfferingsCoCreactivitas: 3 or 6 month “Gathering our Bundles” Coaching Bundlesare available after completing an INTAKE and committing to a 1 1/12 hourJOURNEY OF LIFETIMES session. These earth-based sessions invite the evolutionary self to emerge from beneath generational abuses and traumas. The unique aspect of these JOURNEYS is that they are deeply grounded, held in strong ceremonial containers, and YOUR lineage and genetic content is poured into that circle. Folks emerge with a commitment to self love self care self respect.Ethics are stated: natural resources and human resources are appreciated and valued.Relationships shift to the point of vision rather than conflicting points of view.One’s posture changes as does the way one presents identified gifts to the world.A sense of reassurance and belonging, a knowing of self acceptance arisesas we become the CHANGE we want to see in the world.This is the TAO of HEALTH WEALTH and the Sacred Wheels become our maps to release the masculinity of linear time and chronological clocks! Contact; for INTAKE and schedule our first mutual exploration via Skype at kaariina.saarinen1 NOW. THIRTEEN MONTH MOON mentoring: Gma Kaariina of the Turquoise Heart haws been asked to support, empower and train both women and men who are ready to truly step into the archetypes of the Way of Spiritual Warrior and the medicines of one’s own Wheel of Life.  We will track the full moon and new moon cycles individually and collectively, translating these divine feminine ways into our perceptions , our relationships, into our right actions and livelihood. Be with this.  What would you cocreate with earth and her Elementals if you were to shift from a focus on pleasing others, on seeking acceptance, on craving belonging and recognitions, and resourced SELF AS SOURCE? What is your DESTINY calling you to collaborate with so that two leggedness is in correct perspective with the rest of our wild natures? This is by INTERVIEW ONLY.  Request an INTAKE, complete with much detail and return to for the first review of life and ancestors.  Then we decide. All CoCreactivitas BUNDLES include FB group and or Skype group calls. We encourage that all sessions be recorded for between times.  All experiences are assignments with tasks during the cresting of the waves. Thanks for asking.For all relationsArtist UnknownVirgo Full Moon:Karma and Embodied Spirituality
by Elizabeth Jezorski
 The Full Moon arrives Monday, March 9th on the axis of redemption, held by the dual tensions of Virgo and Pisces. 
 The Sun in Pisces conjuncts boundless Neptune, as it makes its opposition to the Moon in Virgo. Supporting this lunation is Jupiter in Capricorn, inviting a healthy dose of grounded reality. The world we dream to create is possible, if we are willing to do the work. 
 There is a predominance of planets in Earth and Water signs as this Full Moon moves through, suggesting we have been in a receptive space, processing feelings and sensations and attuning to unconscious dynamics at play. Hopefully we have honored this pull to go down and in, as this would offer some shelter from the gravity of exhaustion, depression and confusion. It is a good time to unplug and spend time in silence and nature. 
 It has felt hard to move forward, hard to put feelings into words and harder yet to make any kind of definitive step forward. Particularly as Mercury has been retrograde, we have experienced a heavy and foggy shadow casting clouds of delusion over our rational processes.
 The day after the Virgo Full Moon Mercury, now in new age Aquarius, moves direct. As Mercury gains traction we can expect to see some signs of progress, but it may still feel like wading through thick mud until we get to the Aries New Moon, and into the Astrological New Year, on March 24th. Things will likely progress quickly at this point.
 The Full Moon in Virgo can help us better understand our relationship to our suffering as well as the work that is necessary to birth a new paradigm.

READ MOREPhoto taken at Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica
Harmonize Integrity with Eliza VolkI am a ThaiVedic bodyworker and intuitive massage therapist. I assist humans to drop into a deep wavelength of connection with themselves, others, and the planet. By releasing tension, stored trauma, emotions and pain from the body, people are able to energetically expand into greater potential. As the body and nervous system unravel, new ways of being in the world unfold. As we connect with our own true nature, we inevitably begin to reconnect more deeply with the true nature of the earth. The planet needs this depth of relationship now more than ever, as we go through global, apocalyptic shifts.  Currently, I am offering my life work at The Sanctuary, on Koh Phangan, Thailand. I am immersed in the jungle and sea all day and all night long. There are no roads here, except for one treacherous, muddy mountain road that a pick-up truck uses to bring people and supplies to-and-fro. The only other way to arrive or go is by boat.  It is amazing what happens when fossil fuels are taken out of the picture. No one is driving around on this side of the island. We use our feet to take us from place to place, and therefore a deepening of connection with the land and others form. In this place, we are naturally supported to unravel and rewire into our true nature. As a ThaiVedic bodyworker, I use the overarching lens of Ayurveda and the qualities of the five elements to bring balance to one’s body, mind and spirit. I work with each individual’s constitution (or Dosha) through physically and energetically balancing techniques, all while giving a phenomenal, feel-good, deeply relaxing massage. As an intuitive massage therapist, I follow step-by-step guidance as I massage tender and sore muscles, bringing much needed relief to pain in the body. Places that have gone ignored become recognized and integrated into the whole person. The nervous system begins to remember what true relaxation feels like. People at The Sanctuary are ready to receive. They come to this place to heal and feel fully alive again. These are my favorite people to work with, because they are willing to let go into what more is possible. The channels between myself, the recipient, and the divine are open and strong. I invite you to engage in practices that allow your nervous system to calm down, taking your brain out of its regular patterns of thought. This will allow you to shift mental gears into such a different paradigm of seeing and thinking, so that spirit can simply move in and do the unraveling and rewiring for you. Exercise to clear and focus your mind. Sit in meditation watching the flames of a candle until you enter a trance. Go for a magical journey in nature, as if you’re viewing the world through the eyes of a child. Journal until you have nothing left to say. Eat well for your body’s constitution. Exhale. Receive. And then, go out into the world and take action steps from this new place of alignment; one that aligns with both your own true nature, and that of the planet’s. If you are interested in receiving lifestyle guidance through the ancient lens of ThaiVedic, please contact me. More information is on my website, and our school’s website is I am happy to be of service.Featured Musical ArtistFia – Rising In Love Product OfferAlena Padovania of Biovita Herbals offers: 5 Blend Medicinal Mushroom Blend, including: western reishi, turkey tail, lions mane, chaga, agarigon. These are adaptogenic helping bring the body into balance with effects on nervous systems, GI tract, cardiovascular system.
Visit BioVita Herbals to view this and other offers
Contact Alena and mention CoCreAvatars to receive a discount!
alenapadovani93@hotmail.comProtect one of the country’s wildest and most ancient forests.
Create the Craggy Wilderness and National Scenic Area Four years ago, a small group of farmers, teachers, and carpenters sat around a wobbly table in their community center and spitballed ideas about how to save the old-growth forest that surrounded their valley. Logging threatened the forest, and that evening, they all committed to protecting it. That pact ignited a national movement to create the Craggy Wilderness and National Scenic Area. It aims to permanently safeguard 16,000 acres of old-growth forests, pristine streams, world-class trails, and panoramic vistas in the Appalachian Mountains, only 15 miles from downtown Asheville, N.C.
 Ways to help:Sign the Petition – Help move it forward!Submit a Public Comment – Make sure the Forest Service Listens!ShareSpread the word! – Share on Social Media!Buy Chocolate! – Use iheartcraggy on your CBD Alchemy purchase and 50% of your purchase goes to Big Ivey to support the Craggy Gardens National Scenic Area project!Contact Will Harlan at or 828-230-6818. Learn more at Partners
 Allies and Collaborators

 HANDCRAFTED  RAW  STONE GROUND Chocolate is more than a daily treat.Our chocolate harnesses the power of Ayurvedic remedies, medicinal herbs, and wildcrafted mushrooms like chaga, and reishi to become living alchemical food.

Get 20% off your order: Mandala NaturalsWhole-Hearted Thanks and Bows of Gratitude to you, our Beloved Readers!Photo taken at Tierravida BenxoteEditing Team & Issue


 Kaariina Saarinan
:: Grandmother & CoCreavatars Bundle Keeper ::Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen is a well-trained educator, Moon Dancer, pipe carrier, sweat lodge chief; she knows ceremonies maintain the frequency of the ONENESS for all who come to share! Her Travels have co-created a universal path of integrity for those who say “YES to LIFE”! Email her to learn more! For All Our Relations! kaariinatruth@hotmail.comElizabeth Jezorski
:: Editor & Contributing Author ::

Elizabeth Jezorski is a Yogini and spiritual teacher living on the coast of Maine.  Liz draws upon modalities of astrology, movement, psychology and yoga to midwife the soul into wholeness and authenticity. Visit to learn more!Reba Campbell
:: Editor & Contributing Author ::

Reiki Master & Sound Healer & Sacred DancerYoga & GROOVE Dance FacilitatorBody Love & Relationship Coach
www.dancingwildfire.comMiku Lenentine
:: Editor & Contributing Author ::

Dr. Miku is a vibrant playful Goddess cat creature Being. She has her Doctora de Mas Grandes Spirituales and a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Psychology from the University of Washington. She is one of the founders of The Way of Vibrantly,  a non-profit wellness organization and school, dedicated to supporting Vibrancy and Authentic Beingness.  Peeyush Kumar
:: Editor & Contributing Author ::

Dr. Peeyush Kumar is a vessel manifested as universal love of self, spirit and rhythms of life. Currently living in Seattle – he gathers together the spirit of myths & science, movement & engineering, astrology & psychology, eros & logos and delight & compassion in service to life, to the infinite creative potential of conscious play – to dharma & maya.Nikki Kurt
:: Editor & Artist::

Nikki Kurt is a Soul Archaeologist and Seer who connects people, energy, and words through her intuitive practice of healing as Art. She serves the greatest Clarity of ALL through Graphic Storytelling – capturing the energy of the moment one story at a time.Molly Byrnes
:: Artist & Contributing Author ::
Intergalactic travelling soul and keeper of the starseed awakening frequencies @1111codes, Molly focuses on awakening codes and prayer of place & space. ✨Currently available for seasonal transition magical manifestation support. For more information contact, 1111codes@gmail.comEliza Volk
:: Contributing Author ::

Thai bodyworker and intuitive massage therpaist