I suddenly saw you there. Not just noticed, but really “saw” you. You stood alone, exposed and now very visible as most of the surrounding trees and bushes had been cut away. It looked like some kind of huge force had raked its fingers through this area of trees and bush along the road where I walk, leaving a haphazard destruction in its wake. Some trees were chewed apart with only splinters remaining on the ground. Others remained standing their branches broken, torn off, having survived somehow but wounded, looking stunned. And there you stood. Untouched.
You were not a tall tree. Your bark resembled deep wrinkles that sagged down your trunk. You were already showing the effects of all the years that had marked your life. Some of your branches had already been removed, cut away to keep the hydro line cleared of your touch. Some of your bark was off and there was a long, thicker branch that had extended a good distance out to a nearby tree which was supporting it there in its branches. And there, in the lower base of your trunk was a gapping, wrinkled, knotted hole, looking to me just like an old, wrinkled, used up vagina.
I gazed somewhat dispassionately at this and surprised myself by feeling angry. You were just so revealing, so blatant in your exposure; now sagging, withered and ugly. Done. I wondered if this was how you looked all along, or perhaps this hole had only happened as you aged, and your bark became more vulnerable to penetrate by animals seeking your shelter. Maybe this was initially a knot on your trunk with a small hole that grew larger with your growth to maturity, and then, when discovered by insects, birds or animals became a place where they could find an entry into your soft flesh beyond that barrier of your bark. Poked, pecked and prodded by all these factors.
I did not want to look at your revelation. It felt too close to my own. To the sagging flesh of my own vulva, and all the challenges I am currently having with pelvic pain and incontinence. To my own feelings of being betrayed by my body; the abdominal muscles that hold me together, that protect the soft and more vulnerable belly, that help to support posture so the upper body is not sagging down and pressing in on the diaphragm and lower organs. The prolapse into my vagina and the frequent, strong urges to urinate causing accidents and anxiety. How had I come to this, after all my efforts?
You seemed unapologetic about how you looked, your haphazard appearance. You did not have the uniformity of other trees, their symmetry, yet you held a place in this bit of bush. You had support and you were still alive, even in the shape you were in. I would not have really noticed you until this exposure, even though I have walked past you many times.
Your bold revelation seemed to be staring me down. What was I to understand, to see? Was it that I was to come to some kind of acceptance or to reach a deeper knowing of my feminine being? I have never felt connected to a “Goddess” aspect of being female. I have always wanted, even needed to feel hardness in my body more then softness. Hardness gave me a feeling of strength while experiencing softness often felt more like weakness. Physical strength meant that I was capable, able to prove that I could care for myself as a woman, and I was not going to let any female anatomy get in the way of that!
Yet I did not want to look at you. I did not want to see this exposure. I felt grief in the realization that you had only been spared for now, and why I did not understand. It pained me to feel this helplessness; to see you there with a destiny that awaited. You seemed so accepting, while I feel shame, embarrassment and even anger at my body as I pee uncontrollably. I seem to have lost my ability to control this with physical effort. What did I do “wrong”? What did I neglect? Is this my punishment? Is this what I am resigned to experience now in my elder years?
Some weeks later when I walked by, I saw that your top trunk and all your branches had been cut off leaving that lower part – that hole. I did not want to pass by, to see what had become of you. This mutilation. The “you” I had recognized initially was gone. I felt no energy at all coming from what was left of you. Your final destruction came a few days later. Even before I saw what had been done I could smell the chewed-up wood lying in the depression created by whatever tool was used to not only grind up the remaining part of your trunk but also your roots. The other trees too had been cut down and now all the bush was gone.
Sadly, I thought, “I will not even remember where you stood in a few years time when this piece of land has been changed”. It is to become a road, I believe. Your burial place paved over; your presence erased. What place in me has been hardened, pushed deep into my being and is paining now to be softened, to be remembered, and released? The pain deep in my pelvis, the pressure, the heaviness and sagging of muscle and posture.
I too, stand revealed. Naked. I have left my “clothes” behind in my transition from what “clothed and hid” me in my professional persona to this time and place of disconnection, disorientation and unraveling. I am pulling the string of a knitted life sweater and it is revealing other truths that are stark and at times unsettling. It has been my journey this past year to really “see” me, to soften the hard places and allow other revelations. Is it my authentic self that is coming into focus? Will I be able to break through the grip of fear that often holds me and have the courage to step out into a place that is yet not fully known to me?
I have been honoured by your revelation to me. I have been blessed to “see” you and am deeply grateful. Your life force has returned to Mother Earth who nurtured you through your own life cycle. You have completed your own transition while I continue my journey through mine.
Today as I wake, I am grateful for breath. Breath is the vehicle for life and for transformation. It is the wisdom wind of purification and with awareness can transform anything or breathe life into it.
I am grateful for breathwork. While at the Paititi Institute we worked with our breath from the Tibetan lineages and Andean lineages. From the Andean perspective, we worked with breath consciously to shake out any held fear or disturbing emotions in the body. We breathed through the centers with specific shaking movement as a means to help clear and reset the nervous system. From the Tibetan perspective, we breathed together rhythmically to a mother and child drum beat, returning back to our true nature and purity. Returning back to the child being held in the mothers womb. A true remembrance and cathartic process.
I am grateful for practices like Tonglen. This is the practice of breathing in hard feelings and emotions and then breathing out with the feeling or emotion that will create balance. For instance, breathing in anger and out with peaceful calmness; or breathing in with dark and heavy and out with light. This practice showed me so clearly we have the capacity through the heart and relaxation with breath as a vehicle to purify and transform anything with ease. It showed me that with conscious breath and acceptance, we all are able to be vehicles of transformation.
This also works the other way. In the Bon tradition there is a practice called the 9 breaths of purification. If you look up Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, you can find him leading the practice. It is an amazing balancing and centering approach where we breath through the three channels to purify ourselves of impurity’s and allow them to be dissolved into pure consciousness. Breathing in the wisdom breath and out with disturbing emotions. Here our breath is wisdom wind and can purify anything.
Of course sitting and focusing on the breath in meditation like the shamatha practice in the Shambhala lineage allows us to notice thoughts as they arise and then choose to return back to our source of life, the breath. In this practice we notice thought in a feeindly way, allow them to be and then returning back to the breath as the point of awareness. This practice calms the mind and returns the practitioner back to center. It’s an act of being with and also in taming the mind.
One more amazing meditation I learned from an elder and wisdom keeper named Alaya Love is the heart breath meditation. This is breathing and tracing the breath through it’s cycle and focusing on the heart and high heart. It allows us to find that space of consciousness between the breath. Also focusing on the heart while breathing deeply brings our awareness back to a space of love and from that space we can radiate this out into all of humanity and become the sources of light we truly are. It brings us back to our infinite source of wisdom.
What I’ve seen is that across all wisdom lineages there is a practice of using breath as a conscious tool for truth and transformation. So thank you breath for the healing. Thank you breath for the transformation. Thank you for being a super power and direct access to source! Thank you breath for bringing life. Let us breathe together as one humanity. With gratitude for this great channel.
Bio: Rachel Tracy is a student, practitioner and teacher of wisdom traditions and lineages from around the world. Through her own transformational healing process, Rachel studied with many lineages and teachers globally and is now a networker of wisdom and healing modalities and traditions.
At this time on the planet, it feels as though everything is crumbling — our communities, our togetherness, our governments, some friendships, old ways of thinking and being. What an incredibly challenging, incredibly potent time to be alive. The old paradigm is ending, the reign of the patriarchy has gone stale, and all systems are dying to return to the truth — to return to the Mother. To unconditional love. To oneness, and to a New Earth.
The time in history we’re moving through aligns with my own personal journey into motherhood, with the birth of my first child, Atlas. As I navigate becoming a mother in my own right, I notice a parallel in how society is moving back to the Mother. May my journey and insights reflect this parallel for others, and may you interpret my experiences in a broader context, to support a journey back to the truth, as we — the human race — rebirth into who and what we truly are.
The birth of a child. The fiercest Rites of Passage along the course of a woman’s lifeline.
Movement into motherhood is a holy labyrinth, revealing a mystery of tricks and secrets, turn by curving turn.
Initially, the movement into mother feels like a movement away from self. Routines and passions are put on hold, the child becomes the compass to guide each day.
But the apparent movement away from self leads only to one place — deeper into self.
This paradox teaches us who and what we most deeply are as women.
I have learned that a true woman is never visible at her surface. The young maiden, immersed in material things, in prettiness, in image, in attention, is not the depth of woman. Women are sacred. Women are the givers and sustainers of life. Access to the great mystery is attainable only by losing self — in order to truly and fully return to self.
Beauty and fulfillment are not determined by the size of our body, the time we’ve taken on our hair, our face, by what we wear, who we associate with, or how many possessions we’ve attained.
True beauty is the unrelenting, overwhelming, unconditional love for the child we’ve grown, birthed, and welcomed into Life. Beauty lies in the streaks of grey that burst from unkempt hair, in the darkened eye circles, in the five-days-worn sweater, the milk leaking from our nipples, the tears rushing down our cheeks like tiny, mighty waterfalls. It lies in the stretches and folds of our once-taut skin, the reminders of our sacrifice for a far greater good — to seed a new generation.
A mother knows no bounds. She stops at nothing to give all of herself to her most miraculous creation.
It doesn’t look pretty, or feel comfortable, or transpire with ease and grace. True love is raw. The maiden must die for the mother to rise.
In the past, the greatest challenges — and the deaths of old parts of myself — have always taught me that beauty and healing lie just on the other side.
The only way out is through. If you have the courage to feel it, you will heal it.
So I am choosing to frame the challenges in this new path of motherhood in the same way.
And as we, the human race, walk through the chaos and destruction in the wake of what this year has revealed, may we have the courage to stand tall in the knowing, that The Great Mother has a plan far more miraculous than we can comprehend. From the ashes of all that has died and will die in this time, the Phoenix will be reborn, stronger than ever, rising up from the embers in the full embodiment of truth.
This is the strength required to create a New Earth. The death is necessary. Without the death, the cycle of life cannot be complete.
As everything falls away, know that you are not alone. We walk through the valley of shadows as one. You are the light. We are the light. And where one single spark of light exists, no darkness can prevail.
May you walk in grace, rebirth in courage, and honour and care for yourself and Mother Earth as you’d care for your firstborn child. A new day is dawning, rich with the golden light of purity.
BASSÉ (Truth, in Bwiti)
Deena is a mother, wife, writer, and has been an Iboga provider for the past six years. She experienced her first Iboga ceremony in 2012, during which she awoke from the spell of a 10-year opiate addiction. Soon after, she traveled to Gabon, Africa — the birthplace of Iboga and home to its people, the Bwiti — and has completed a Full Initiation into the medicine wisdom tradition. She is also among the first nine Western women to ever complete a Missoko Bwiti Rites of Passage. Since, Deena and her husband have held space for nearly 1,000 other warrior souls to journey with Iboga. Her sweet son, Atlas Fisher, was born October 3, 2020, his 36-hour labour steeping in the energies of October’s first of two full moons, and under a sky bright with Venus and Mars in visibility. Her sweet little family resides on the Southern Gulf Islands of BC, blessed each day by the Spirit of the Water.
Deena is currently working on her website, www.consciouscontent.co, where she’ll be offering resources and guidance for other women walking the path to truth. To learn when the site goes live, and to be included on her newsletter list, email her at deena@consciouscontent.co
For more information about Deena and her husband Jeremy’s Iboga ceremonies, visit www.ibogajourney.ca
His body was collapsed on the couch in the living room with his skinny fingers crushed into his face. A tattered light green blanket cloaked over his head while his eyes faintly escaped the shadows.
“Come on” I coaxed, waving him over, “It’s time to get to work!” But the 12-year boy I was there to homeschool that day stared back at me with a hollow glare. His attention was mostly fixated on the radio that droned off in the background playing favorite pop tunes.
“Come on man! We got too, and besides, I know you love this stuff. It will be fun! Trust me!”
The lesson plan for today was to write a screenplay, create a hero, make a world, and tell an epic story, something most 12 years tend to like. However since today’s lesson was cradled in the context of school, he wrote it off as uncool.
But since he had to do the work, he grudgingly shook his head and pulled himself from the couch, and slowly stomped over to the desk. Placing both elbows on the table he sank his head into his hands.
“So we can tell any story you want. What do you want it to be about?” I exclaimed enthusiastically.
He answered me with a silent stair so defiant it’s as if he was trying to explode my head with telekinesis.
“Look man, this is actually a really awesome thing you get to do! Honestly, I know you’ll love it, but you just gotta work with me here for a bit.”
His eyes softened slightly, letting me know there was a little opening, I took it and began to patiently work through the exercise asking him various questions to spark his imagination.
Stubbornly, he answered them one by one.
At first simply by saying “I don’t know..”
But patiently I persisted. And little by little the answers grew longer.
Soon his blurts turned into sentences with fragments of characters and storylines.
Then after a little more coaxing, paragraphs swam through the air, then suddenly the spirit of inspiration took hold of him and we journeyed together into through a mystical world of magic.
Then sparks of joy illuminated through his eyes and before we knew it, an hour and a half had passed marking the end of our lesson. But that’s not all, the following day he stayed glued to his pages furiously typing away for two hours with little to no supervision. And as the weeks went by, the manuscript continued to grow, and after 24 pages, he ended the first episode of the growing saga.
As I look back at it all, I find it fascinating to see what emerged from something this young man so reluctantly wanted to do.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but that boy was illustrating a fundamental principle of life,
and mirroring to me the magic that can unfold when we are willing to surrender to what Life is offering us and give it a wholehearted “Yes!”
Around the time this boy was being so resistant to the gift Life was presenting him, I was doing the exact same thing with what Life was asking of me.
Over the past couple of months, through a series of signs, synchronicities, and deep self-reflection, it became so clear that the Spirit of Life was asking me to work on developing a holistic healing center to help individuals struggling with mental health challenges. However, while the vision was beautiful and so needed for this world, at the time, it was not what I planned to be doing, and frankly, not what I wanted to be doing either.
But deep inside, I knew it was what was being asked of me, and I had to. So I accepted the task, but just like that little boy, I did so grudgingly and dragged my heels into the ground huffing and hawing every step of the way. Asking God, “Are you sure this is what you want me to do?” I knew the answer, but I still didn’t fully accept it.
But thankfully, like I was with that little boy, Life was patient and gentle with me and coaxed me little by little to surrender, to trust, to let go of what I thought I wanted, and make space for something so much more than I could have ever possibly imagined on my own.
Much of our culture is so focused on doing what we want to do. We place so much pride and prestige on making things happen. We are supposed to be “Masters of our Destiny!” But so often what we think we want, are just subconscious fantasies that have been programmed into us from the media to follow a very specific script.
For boomers, the script was to have two kids with a big house and a white picket fence. For millennials, it’s to be an entrepreneur, be seen, to change the world, to have time and financial freedom, to follow our dreams! Etc, etc, etc…However, we often forget that many of these so-called dreams are not ours in the first place and have been highly influenced by our consumer-driven culture.
After studying scriptures and looking to saints, sages, and great individuals, I have seen that they follow a different formula. Instead of trying to make their lives into something, these wise ones listened to what Life was asking of them and surrendered to the task as a Sacred Duty to fulfill.
In a story with Mother Teresa, a priest came to her in great distress because his advisor transferred his current post of working in a rehabilitation center for addicts to a post where he would work in a school in a small community in the middle of India.
Upset by this sudden change and feeling that he would be better suited in his current position, he sought Mother Teresa to see if she could convince his advisor to let him keep his current post. But rather than siding with him, she said “Where is your faith? Trust brother. You must be obedient, you must trust what God wants to make of your life.” And of course, once the brother wholeheartedly accepted his post, he was met with joy beyond his imaginings.
I think it’s important to note that Life does not give us what we want, but it does give us what we need. It often throws us curveballs. While we might not like them, the truth is, they are the medicine we need to grow.
While we can fight the current of Life with our own personal wants, if we pay attention, there is something so much bigger seeking to move through us.
And there is magic when we get out of the way and let ourselves be instruments of that Limitless force of the Universe!
In the Bhagavad Gita, which can be likened to the Hindu Bible, it speaks about casting aside all our egoic wants, and instead to let our only desire to be of service to God, or in other words, Service to Life’s tasks. Now Mahatma Gandhi, a devout student of the Gita, used it as an instruction manual to guide his life. Knowing this, I wonder how much of his life was actually contrived by him and how much was guided.
This was a man of duty not dreams. His desire to start the first non-violent resistance in South Africa was not something he wanted to do but was spurred by being kicked off of a train for the color of his skin. While it would have been easy for him to continue with his simple life as a lawyer, instead, he surrendered to the challenge Life was presenting him, and the rest, as they say, was history. This mentality of accepting Life’s tasks enforced everything he did. His whole life was a constant state of surrender to that larger force. And when we look at what was able to accomplish, we begin to see just how powerful it is to give up our wants and get out of the way so that we can be used by Life.
You see, when we give up our wants, and instead listen to what Life is asking of us, we make space for something beyond our wildest dreams to emerge. Just like that little boy, if we turn towards the challenge with openness, the Spirit of inspiration will take us and allow free-flowing energy to create something beautiful.
I can speak for myself and say that since I have fully surrendered to Life’s task, amazing things have, and continue to unfold. Scincericites and magic follow me wherever I go. Doors open daily. There have been no shortages of challenges, but I awake every morning with a deep sense of gratitude and devotion, knowing full well that I am in alignment with Life’s greater purpose. All I had to do was give up my wants and surrender to Life.
You see, Life is always calling forth our greatness. But the question is, can we see it? Or are we so focused on our tiny wants we don’t see what’s being asked of us right now?
Are we so focused on getting somewhere, that we fail to see what’s right here?
Wherever we are in life at this moment, I pray that we all can surrender our small desires so we can make way for something greater to move through us. Because the truth is, just like the story above with that little boy, Life is calling to us and saying
“Come on! I know you will love this stuff!”
When it does, there are 3 ways we can respond.
We can ignore the call and follow our own small wants. But if we do, will be just like that boy, thinking that our pop music is the coolest thing in the world, and in the end, we will be missing out on something so beautiful.
Will can accept our task grudgingly and suffer every step of the way. And we will limit the energy from fully moving through.
3. We can completely surrender and let Life’s Greatness move through us.
The choice is ours.
I pray we will continue to choose wisely.
With love and care,
Adam Guzman-Poole
What has Life been asking from you these days?
How can you surrender more?
What is your duty?
About Adam:
Adam Guzman-Poole is a spiritual consoler, coach, and meditation teacher.
He’s is a multicultural man with indigenous roots to Venezuela, and has
spent over 10 years studying with elders both in North and South America.
His mission is to empower and inspire individuals and communities to connect with the sacred and let it lead their lives.
About Heather: Heather Donaldson, a Canadian with European roots is currently traveling and exploring those before she returns to Sea to Sky and Vancouver area of BC. She guides others to live more ease-fully, joyfully and peacefully. Committed to optimizing the body for expression and service, she shares this passion with clients through combined western and Eastern practices including teaching Taoist Tai Chi and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Her exceptional skills in holistic massage and shiatsu have been rated as world-class. Beyond this, she created the unique RootsEFT to transform her clients’ “inner gardens”. Working with the popular technique, alone or as an add-on, Heather has a gift for tuning in deeply to what each person truly needs, allowing them to transform troubling relationship patterns.
On the same topic, she published a book, How to Grow a Beautiful Relationship, hosts workshops and weekend experiential retreats, in addition to private sessions online or in-person. More about her unique creation: RootsEFT and sessions for individuals or couples can be found on EFT tab of current website . Book a 30 minute complimentary online Relationship Breakthrough Session and get ready for more to come from ‘Love is the Way’
Holiday idea in BC : book ahead for popular holiday couples massage to end 2020 with calm.
During the first quarantine this year, Esther Sophia was in the Dominican Republic, and Sara Fay was in New York City. We were finally in the same time zone again, and we spent a lot of time on the phone sharing our difficulties and internal processes: how we were dealing with the pandemic, isolation, the uncertainty of the times, and loss of community and collaborative arts practices. We had lost work, projects, and our dreams and expectations for the future were in limbo. We offered each other a safe haven and helpful, supportive insights, reminding each other about what we know to be true inside of us.
This empty space brought all the personal challenges to the surface.
To us, it has become very clear that healing doesn’t happen linearly; it happens in cycles. We revisit wounds, and by shining some light on them, holding them with love, and giving them expression, we set ourselves free to live an empowered life. Sometimes it takes a few circles to not feel the trigger points as intensely, but by feeling into and exploring those triggers, we uncover a map to our personal hidden treasure. But that’s for another discussion!
Being dear friends and collaborators since 2014, we have created many dramatic theater pieces in collaboration with The Box Collective, an international, female-led ensemble of creatives. All of our projects have been about healing in the greater sense, exploring women archetypes, visiting wounds of the feminine, bringing them into the light, and restoring their power.
Now, we had the call to facilitate this work in a new form, and from this, “Embracing Cycles” was born: a course that offers initiations and healing to women in the form of circle wisdom.
We were ready to share the wisdom and knowledge we had gathered over the years. Now was the time to hold space for other women to explore, uncover, and come into deep contact with themselves and each other. We wanted to offer women in this time of global pause something of light and healing.
We were very inspired by the work of Kaariina Saarinen, Mayra Stark, Layla Centorrino, and Laurel Kitten’s wisdom of the “Five Gates of Womanhood.” Using this as a base structure, we crafted our course, allowing all our shapers, training, and experience to flow into and be inspired by these gates. We wanted women who enter and share this space to feel safe and seen. Each session includes movement medicine, meditation, and a ritual initiation that women are invited to walk through.
It was very special to have Grandmother Kaariina join us for our last session as a guest speaker and facilitator for “The Death Gate”. Grandmother Kaariina’s experience, sharp intuition, kind heart, and humor brought so much healing to the space. We giggled as we cried and let our old stories be buried by the earth. With our deepest and warmest heart, we thank you.
Sara-Fay and Esther-Sophia are offering their next eight week embracing cycles “Initiation Circle – live your authentic life” will be starting with the First New Moon in 2021 on Sunday, January the 24th.
The darkness of early nightfall has begun to reveal the pleasures of early to bedtimes, here on North Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. A time transiting us as humans in the Northern Hemisphere more fully into the incoming winter with its weather fronts, tidal shifts, frost in the morning glazing the mown lawns of this homestead.
Owl as totem for this shapes are shifting FULL MOON serves as a perfect guide for wombs to be cleared and generational traumas to be resolved , dissolved, and clarity emerges. Up here on North Island, OWL appears in its enduring heavy plasticized FORM: perched on fence posts overlooking the channels of northwest pacific waters, seated there on the ground viewing the possibility of mouse scaring next to a tool shed, or high up on the V of a rooftop scouring the time space before it for bats.
The yellow eyeballed OWL seeks the light within the dark night of humanity’s soul knowing that the day and the light will indeed return, presaging fierce faith in cycles and spiritual laws.
Its great elegant wingspan in the living form, glides with smooth sliding sounds, through the night from the sitka spruce branch as platform. SWOOSH and OWL is on its mission, fulfilling its purpose: find nourishment for self and for its young or its young to come. Keep the species strong and alive! As part of mother nature’s never-ending cycle of species’ lives.
Only human in its not so kind form, forgets that it, too, has a similar purpose: to feed itself with nourishment that supports its young and the young to come. Only two-leggeds forget the potency of the medicines within forests, on these forest floors, within the wilderness of soul.
Yet within our earliest biological forms, we share these possibilities. For within the unfertilized EGG of the mother woman and the grandmother woman, lives the potential to remember and to realize its fully developed and expressed function!
Often, during Sacred Womb clearings and Groin clearings, I sense Great Spirit, compassionate ancestors hovering like OWL, over beings’ family trees, in a kind of wonder: will this one be the answer to its prayers? Will this be the ONE to be the ONE who is the change?
From that vantage point, Spirit Ancestor remains sovereign, nonjudgmental, non-labelling, divinely assured that the Mystery will unfold as the beings CHOOSE to free selves of past traumas. There is a deep profound knowing that Spirit knows and guides all to the very point of our ORIGIN and that there, lives FREEDOM to choose once again.
Science as one of the faculties of humanity’s genius, has offered through studies in cellular biology and the instrument of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a profound understanding of how the generational trauma has been passed on. In that, there is also a very wise way to map the roots of trauma and once mapped, to travel through those timelines and begin to shed LIGHT on those decisions and perceptions.
For this MOON, let us say that it all began with our grandmother’s pregnancy of our mother and that within the womb of agreement between fetus and mother grandmother, there was a cascade of hormones influencing the creation of FORM as female . This form as future woman contains precursor cells that over time within utero, become a life’s supply of ovum or eggs. These future eggs within ovaries contain genetic material that is encoded with how to live fully as woman as well as uncoded DNA. There are traces of our grandmother’s emotional responses to her relational and environmental experiences, as well as her CORE womb wounds and beliefs of self as woman mother. All vibrationally influences the liquid container of the ovum, the eggs, the unfolding of reproductive organs. There, then is the ancestral echo of what many of us as women are now experiencing and expressing.
To continue to weave into Mark Wolynn’s service and offerings; IT DID NOT START WITH US and it is not our fault! YET, once experienced impersonally, as OWL simply observing, we can be the ONES who choose differently. Just imagine, that we as humans informed by so much trauma through our own failure to feed selves and our young wisely, can finally reconfigure those genetic configurations within the wombs and within the ovum of our grandmothers!
Breathing deeply into this possibility, breathing deeply into the grace of this moment, knowing that miracles are the natural order of this day and way!
Let OWL now witness similarly the procreation of male man father within the womb of our grandmother. Another choice point, and the sperm that will someday will fertilize an egg during the fertility cycle of woman soon to be mother, is also a blessing, an original blessing. Here in this womb-scape of the grandmother dwells possibilities as the incarnating agreement is to procreate man male father of the future transforming androgyny into this possibility.
Putting this all together as a miracle womb, the past containing the presence of a future US, reveals our possibility beyond trauma of the grandmother! Exhaling into this dis-creation of distress, what unfolds now in the wisdom of your own OWL nature? Notice the significant difference between the formation of egg and woman, of sperm and man. Biologically, sperm continue to develop until puberty absorbing the joy and pain of growth as boy into pre-man! Whereas the womb woman potential mother receives her lifetime supply of eggs birthed when she is delivered into this side of the universe. Eventually, one of these eggs leaves the ovary and cocoon and travels through the fallopian tubes to descend into the warmth of endometria and nestles into this juiciness as preparation for a future cocreation of another culture of cells. It is through the tracking of this conscious cocreation of ovum within grandmother womb and the delivery of a supply of eggs within the ovary of girl woman to be mother that a new level of awareness within the Sistarhood develops.
As woman arising from girl more awakened then ever before, we become saturated with this divine love, the ancestor whose compassion is so great that there is only the embodiment of joy and discovery, of curiosity and wonder as the bodies develop various capacities and resolves its own issues as female in form.
Equality in spirit between male and female is our birthright and we are here to claim this with vivacity with profound gratitude and to stand one with the other in two differing forms yet arising awakening from the ovum of the grandmother!
Divinely guided through MOON cycles, the ovum or cosmic egg, has an incredibly universal intelligence and a calling for girl woman to relax and to allow to surrender to this journey of lifetimes. Slowly unlearning the shaming influences, the traumatizing effects of grandmothers’ of mothers’ of fathers’ lives, the new earth woman girl possible mother is now readying to dance her own divine orders, to reveal on her life’s path what her greatest gifts are.
Adolescence is a revelatory time and stage in which the true work is to develop a single minded focus on one’s natural gifts, and to cocreate within a family, the environment that engenders the courage to be one’s self fully~
Ahhh, new core beliefs infiltrate the cellular walls of human existence with vibrations matching the core essences within. The spiritual law unfolds: as within so without; so without as within. These spiritual principles influenced by practices continue the alchemy of transformation of fear as a basis to love as a platform from which to explore and discover the universe.
Both female and males are capacitated to commit to these practices, to these ways of the spiritual warrior and sacred healer within. AND it is never too late to do so. Nutrients from the umbilicus passing through into the placenta are another of evolutionary’s ways to keep the species strong, resilient and resourceful. Grandmother’s choices, mother’s choices, father’s choices all influence by modelling and by infant and child absorbing, the prevalent desires of its lineage: to choose health and whealth, to choose wisely and kindly, is to build the receptor cells to discern that which is in fact, healthy!
Like a magnet, the earlier stage as ovum or egg, contains particles that attract a sperm that has been fed similarly or differently by the mother grandmother father grandfather…. There is a symposium of nutrients that configure in ways that influence one’s decisions has a child, as a pubescent, as an adolescent, as a young adult and these nutrients influence one’s perceptions of self, of others, of life on earth and in this universe.
Emotions of the grandmother, of the mother, of the father are transmitted through the watery realms of the womb to the in utero fetus as well. These biochemical responses influence the matrix in which the cells are informed. Relationships inherently reflect or mirror these inner relationships of nutrients of emotions of perceptions and thus, each aspect can be influenced in order to reverse ancestral decisions.
Change is possible. We are living at a time in the greater cycles of time on earth, within Gaian or universal times, when a certain ignorance is over. These enlightening ways of the OWL with brilliant yellow eyeballs, seeing through the human’s dark night of soul, brings forth women who accept these response-abilities for transmuting our own eggs, for caring for our own ovarian cycles, for tracking and honouring our moon times. Within this decision, is a greater ripple into the fields occupied by men. Men are now being consistently invited to respect and in fact, to track a woman’s cycles and to trust and to know the woman as mother as grandmother as source. One who has the capacity to root deeply into the origins of ones female forgetfulness and to re enter the timespace of YES to all life and for all relations.
There is amongst these dark autumnal times a calling for remembering: like the Fiesta de la Morte in Central America, there is a need to celebrate those who have passed over before us for all life and all death contains the illumination of choice. Just as leaves from deciduous trees turn colour and fall, there is within these particular times, a turning of our colours and a letting go of core beliefs core languaging that does not serve the darkness of winter, the gestation of a new cycle of the divine unfolding.
Just as Einstein once offered to humankind: Imagination is more powerful than knowledge, we are now entering another phase in human evolution. We are being called to IMAGINE the genetic uncoded material in grandmothers eggs as a new paradigm of conscious cocreatorship! No longer victims seeking or magnetizing rescuers and blaming persecutors, no longer stuck in duality of good or bad, right or wrong, humanity is reaching INTO its own source points and choosing to come awake to consciousness itself! Science has languaged new possibilities while Spirit has held a sacred space occupied by compassionate ancestors for the releasing of what has been haunting us. We no longer need to be trauma informed and defensive, reactive, or aggressive. We can be vulnerable, uncaged, and singing once again.
Repatterning at these levels or within these realms leads us to a divine intersection, wherein overlapping circles yield these FLOWERS of LIFE! With these original blessings revealed, we have more human potential to cocreate from love a new earth a heaven on earth within singular beings, within sacred partnerships, within families, within communities, within the wilderness of soul on earth!
The Daily Word, the prayers of Silent Unity, the holding of mantra as a practice for 21 days, yogic practices for 30 days, morning meditations invoking the presences of ascended masters to enter into the grandmothers and mothers wombs, to heal and resolve the issues within the groins of sons and fathers, these are just some of GMA’s favorite processes.
The ecology or environment of the egg is fluid and according to indigenous water blessing ceremonies, we can influence contents gratefully. Maseru Emoto’s HADO PROJECT complete with electronic microscope reveals what we have in rituals known for generations. Water is impressionable and thus has memory that can be changed. We are living in these wonderous of times, and as in The Course in Miracles, lesson 365:Your name and mine are God’s.
Miracles are the natural order of the day, this day and the day of all days. IMAGINE when BOTH woman and man enter into this timespace of sacred agreement that we are here as equals to serve the greater goodness now emerging from humanity’s soul, IMAGINE what it will be like for our children, for our grandchildren, for our future generations. IMAGINE what our priorities will be day by precious day: what will truly and truthfully be important. IMAGINE if by the powers of our intentions, aspirations, commitments, that our mutual passions are aligned to continuing to clear the ovum of grandmothers of holocaustian traumas, of indigenous massacres, of the suppression of women’s response-abilities for our own fertility cycles and thus, returning to HER universal intelligence.
OWL comes to hoooot at these turning times, asking WHO are we truly? How do we hunt and gather our resources to feed selves cells and progeny? OWL without judgement instinctually knows where and how to be. OWL within its wisest form KNOWS what is the highest most divine way of fulfilling its purpose and its promise in the wilds of life. Its great wingspan leaves a shadow upon the earth floor reflected in the light of this FULL MOON, a shadow that welcomes remembrances: This trauma is not our fault, we do not deserve to be punished or imprisoned. We are response-able for our capacity to sing through the viruses of fear and into the pockets of deaths celebrating these ones lives at these Fiesta de la Morte.
WHOOOOO are we now? We are awakeners, awakening to new possibilities as Spirit and Science merges and supports one another as SOURCE and as EXPRESSION with ancient yet contemporary medicines: mudras, mantras, mandalas, music, memes that will shatter the currencies of delusions of separation from US: all together we arise and all together we are the CURE!
Grandmothers are circling this earth with our prayers. Mothers are dancing these full moons with our intentions. Women are singing the bearth of a new generation. Girls are remembering the beads on the necklaces of grandmothers’ legacies. Children are responding to our love and our veneration of their courage to be here now. These are times of US, OUR times together, to sing of The Great Awakening. For all of our relations. Welcome to OWL and being informed.
It is been a long time since I have last shared here in the CoCreavatars Newsletter. Living through great changes both personally and collectively, these past months have been very intense, beautiful, and challenging cycles. It is clear we are undergoing profound changes as a collectiveness. I notice how old paradigms are falling, masks are falling, deeds and fears are being clearly revealed… I see this impacting the lives of those around me, my own life, I see it impacting nations and of course impacting the Earth herself. Big changes rarely come about without generating a crisis. And a crisis is generally not an easy thing to experience. I pretend to share now and on following writings a little bit of how this process has been for me with the intention to share and receive strength, tools, ideas, empathy and the vision with and from those who may read these words.
As a Brazilian privileged white woman, it has never been so challenging to face the crisis that is undergoing our society now. The rise of an extreme political view towards militarization and exploitation of nature is using violent, racist, and misogynous speeches and approaches openly. This is being legitimated the elected current president, a former military that is being considered the Brazilian Donald Trump. It is important to mention we have recently faced a big environmental crisis due with the breakdown of three mining damns which flooded with millions of cubic meters of mining rejects entire rivers and has taken lives and made cities vanish off our maps – sending light to all traumatized souls living and not living who have been through these tragedies. A deep state of fear is being generated, there are dozens of dams at risk of perishing as well… but in a subjective level, installing a state of fear seems like the means for some people. In my relation with human rights collectives and initiatives I have come to know about many profile hackings, mass diffusion of personal cellphone numbers of activists who are being subjected by threats and offenses, receiving intense amount calls and messages originated all over the country. It is an impressive web that targets small people, who have a very local and focused intervention, people like you and me. It is a dark bizarre scenario and to sustain our democratic rights, the freedom of speech, political view, gender and being we must keep both eyes wide open…
Somehow, we always knew big changes were coming, we might even have prayed for it, and let’s not be naive, nobody ever said it was going to be easy. In Chinese, the same ideogram that stands for “crisis”, also means opportunity. It bears the ancient eastern knowledge that one always comes along with the other, when something is falling, dying, it will make the space for something new to rise, to live. Thus, trusting this premise is a good starting point to face the deepness of the crisis with some optimism. Being in nature lifts us from the day to day drama and connects with a deeper sense and meaning for life. Times are calling us to be alert, to stay strong, to be accountable and clear with our commitments, to act with strategy and precision. Attentive and effective dedication to our self-care and self-love to sustain our center and peace-of-mind amidst all turmoil is essential. In this sense, practical and spiritual tools have been playing key roles in my life and I hope to be sharing some of them on the following newsletters. Deep regards being sent from these tropics of Capricorn to the world, and until next month.
Electric Deer Moon of Service CoCreavatars Newsletter #67
:: Meditate:: Refine :: Bond ::
Deer Moon Art created by Nikki KurtGMA’s message: Keep going no matter what
by Grandmother Kaariina
Beautiful Ones, I offer from this coastal mountain landscape where snow caps still cover the highest ridges. It reminds me to lookup from whence cometh our help. Shannon Falls tumbles down one of these mountain sides, reminding us, that natural ways descend to earth from the core of these mountains carrying waters with turbine strengths to regenerate!Here, at the Mountain Base Camp, we cocreate time to reflect, to realize, to rest before moving onwards, carrying less and less both mentally, emotionally and physically. The times of discernment this October full moon are once more within us arising.The rain filled clouds for the past 8 of these ten days have hidden the fulling of this October Moon. Like many of us, we allow our gifts, our radiance to be hidden by the turmoil by the greyness of the souls rather than emerge fully.Our current experiences in thus microcosm of the universe, called Squamish territory, edging upon the salt waters of the Howe Sound, reveals to those of us emerging fully, opportunities to reveal unmasked our joyousness at meeting, at being alive, at living together in these portals of encounters , ancient agreements to serve as TEAM! Read MoreWhere is GMA now?Squamish, Sea to Sky Corridor just north of Vancouver BC south of Whistler BC
Surrounded by Coastal Mountains Grandmother’s OfferingsYou may be wondering, what is a Grandmother’s INTENTION and INVITATION during these times of transition and transmutation?Well, taking a deep breathe in, exhaling with relief, now repeat at least three times, and CLAP loudly!Jump up and SAY YES TO LIFE YES TO LIFE YES TO LIFE!Then sit with a huge leopard or puma or jaguar smile on your face and read onwards!************************************************************Firstly, email at kaariinatruth@hotmail.com or phone and request at 604 815 8793 INTAKE and set aside a sacred space in which you respond to the inquiries with lots of details> Especially focus on your relationships to the trigger words, to those with your parents, your sacred dream for earth, your issues that keep you from offering your gifts!Secondly, say YES TO LIFE and Read More Here!Testimonials:: ❤️❤️❤️ ::I am belatedly writing to thank you for your CoCreavatars newsletters; you offer much insight and food for thought, helping to awaken me.
Felicity Gagnon:: ❤️❤️❤️ :: My dear, lovely Kaariina! I wanted to say thank you so so so much. You arrived in my life at the perfect time, my last two weeks in Canada. You pushed buttons to open my mind and my energetic centres. I really, really enjoyed to pass time with you. I learned everywhere I was with you and thought often of your life’s stories.
You are an unforgettable woman, and you arrived in my life and there you will stay! Wehn I go back home with joy and a lot to explain and to teach (in France), I will need to tell my parents, my siblings, that I JUST LOVE THEM! And I will say to them, I love YOU so much, my spiritual grand Mother Kaariina! Take care and continue to give happiness everywhere you are, everyday.” *Carole from France at Sechelt, Sunshine Coast, BC
PS I amde this with happiness (gold bag with lining) with the turquoise sewing machine upstairs and with love!.:: Aries Full Moon::Aries Full Moon: The Wounded Healer
by Elizabeth Jezorski
Image by Alex GrayChiron is a minor planet with an irregular orbit that is typically, although not always, located between Saturn and Uranus.
Astrologically, Chiron symbolizes the process of transformation that infuses matter into spirit. Chiron can be understood as a kind of bridge, connecting the conscious higher self to the animal body.
Mythologically, this duality is expressed through the wounded healer archetype. Chiron is half man, half horse. He incurred a wound after being accidentally shot with an arrow carrying a fatal poison. Yet, because he was immortal, Chiron could not die. Chiron was thus doomed to endure the great pain of this wound for eternity. In his quest to heal himself, Chiron developed the skills of a master healer and was able to use this mastery for the benefit of others. Unable to resolve his own suffering, however, Chiron finally gave up his immortality in exchange for another’s freedom. Read More ✨:: Electric Deer Stories of Service::✨ Gandhi – An example in humility and service By TSS Rajan, Prologue by Peeyush Kumar
This October will mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian lawyer turned social activist who championed the cause of liberty and freedom through the means of non-violence. His life was an example of a life in service to humanity, there is so much that can be read about the Mahatama but I think this very personal story of TSS Rajan with Gandhi exemplifies a life philosopsy of humility and service….Read MoreHope By Daniel Jubelirer Coaching Last night, after feeling pretty sad and adrift after watching the Democratic convention and thinking about larger systemic issues in our society not being addressed, I tuned into Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s instagram live Q&A. I submitted a question, which I was delighted she answered 😍!…Read MoreWhen a bright light goes out… by Kari Van Tine Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – known as the notorious RGB- died Friday, at 87. When asked how she would like to be remembered, Ginsburg replied: “Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears… Read More ✨:: A Visual Journey :: ✨ SAPPHIRE by Marya Stark 🐝:: Cause of the Month :: 🐝 Help us Rebuild from the CZU Fire!Our entire La Ventana Santa Cruz Mountain property was destroyed by the wildfires here in August. We are all safe and we just rescued our favorite old cat Leo who managed to survive the fire on his own for about 5 weeks! We are ultimately ok, though things are complicated at the moment, but we will be back to serve our community with your support, there is no way we could completely rebuild without you :: Working Remote ::by Miku Lenentine🔥:: Featured Art :: 🔥
“Rainbow Vortex Metamorphosis” by Kaci Wallace The image portrays a mask, or an empty vessel. Flowing through the empty vessel is an energetic display of the symphony of life. The cacophony of color, texture, and pattern surrounding her is a visual representation of what I feel music might look like. I perceive that the fabric of nature and life is woven and governed by an intricate and exquisite intelligence which is beyond what my humanness can quite comprehend… My prayer in life is to be a humble, clear, open vessel for that higher intelligence to flow and be expressed through; guiding myself and others through the process towards universal truth and understanding. This painting is an expression of that prayer.🎵 :: Featured Music :: 🎵Winds of the West by Ayla Nereo with MaMusI think many of us have heard this song before but it always lands so beautifully at the time of equinox. Particularly as we find ourselves at the cusp of a great turning of consciousness. This fall will bring in many changes and challenges. And yet beyond that lies the grace of love that surrounds us always.
Our local community gathered at the base of our mountain, known by the Abenaki people as Awanadjo, meaning “small, misty mountain” for equinox. Each of us brought an offering from our land and homes and together created a mandala. The children placed many of the offerings with joy and love. The pumpkin is in the west, to hold the energy of the fall and the setting sun.
Elizabeth Jezorski:: Herbal Ally of the Month ::>> Hawthorn – Pure heart medicine! << As harvest season arrives greeting us with its abundance and bounty. Hawthorn trees can be found on roadsides demanding your attention with their bright red berries. Hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries have been used by native tribes of turtle island and cultures abroad as a circulatory tonic for any heart-related ailments due to spiritual disconnection or emotional heartache. This medicine offers us the ability to forgive. Use hawthorn berries in a harvest collaboration with rose hips to make jam, add to bread or drink dried berries in tea.By Mariah Master:: Crystal Ally of the Month ::
By Molly Byrnes 1111 Codes:: Partners :: The Heart Map ExperienceYou’re invited to a monthly full-moon workshop EMBODIED GENIUS guided by Nova Scott-James
This Monday August 3rd 7pm-9:30 EST via zoom
Embodied Genius is a virtual ceremonial space(ship) for powerful creatives to generate a clear channel to their spirit guides and successfully bring their visions into the world.
[Live Online] Hosted through The Way of Vibrantly in Seattle, Washington
Sundays || 730PM to 830PM PST Register for Class Series:: Link to Facebook Group :: Link to Meetup Group In this special seasonal practice, we will tune into the gentle rhythms of our autumn evenings, and move through a deeply nourishing hatha flow. This flow is designed to help us transition and harmonize with the seasonal changes taking place outside, as we draw our bright energetic gaze of summer inward, to prepare for winter’s slumber. Each practice will feature live flute music, gentle song and a glowing fire.Meditations on the Tao
[Live Online] Hosted through The Still & Moving Center in Honolulu, Hawaii
Sundays || 11AM to Noon PST Register for Class Series Welcome to a journey in the experience of the Tao, often translated as the “Path”. In this five-week meditation series we will explore meditation for insight and inspiration as we sit with different passages from the Tao Te Ching. We will cover basic skills for mindfulness and develop our ability to practice a variation of insight meditation, as we are guided by the wisdom we derive from this ancient text.This meditation is suitable for all levels of skill. No prior experience is required. All welcome!✨Whole-Hearted Thanks & Bows of Gratitude to You! our Beloved Readers! ✨ :: Editing Team & Contributors :: Kaariina Saarinan :: Grandmother & CoCreavatars Bundle Keeper ::Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen is a well-trained educator, Moon Dancer, pipe carrier, sweat lodge chief; she knows ceremonies maintain the frequency of the ONENESS for all who come to share! Her Travels have co-created a universal path of integrity for those who say “YES to LIFE”! Email her to learn more! For All Our Relations! kaariinatruth@hotmail.comElizabeth Jezorski :: Editor & Contributing Author ::
Elizabeth Jezorski is a Yogini and spiritual teacher living on the coast of Maine. Liz draws upon modalities of astrology, movement, psychology and yoga to midwife the soul into wholeness and authenticity. Visit www.wildembodiment.com to learn more!Miku Lenentine aka KeTukal :: Editor & Contributing Author ::
Dr. Miku is a vibrant playful Goddess cat creature Being. She has her Doctora de Mas Grandes Spirituales and a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Psychology from the University of Washington. She is one of the founders of The Way of Vibrantly, a non-profit wellness organization and school, dedicated to supporting Vibrancy and Authentic Beingness. Peeyush Kumar :: Editor & Contributing Author ::
Dr. Peeyush Kumar is a vessel manifested as universal love of self, spirit and rhythms of life. Currently living in Seattle – he gathers together the spirit of myths & science, movement & engineering, astrology & psychology, eros & logos and delight & compassion in service to life, to the infinite creative potential of conscious play – to dharma & maya.Nikki Kurt :: Artist & Contributing Author::
Nikki Kurt is a Soul Archaeologist and Seer who connects people, energy, and words through her intuitive practice of healing as Art. She serves the greatest Clarity of ALL through Graphic Storytelling – capturing the energy of the moment one story at a time.Molly Byrnes :: Artist & Contributing Author :: Intergalactic travelling soul and keeper of the starseed awakening frequencies @1111codes, Molly focuses on awakening codes and prayer of place & space. ✨Currently available for seasonal transition magical manifestation support. For more information contact, 1111codes@gmail.comKaci Wallace :: Contributing Artist ::
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – known as the notorious RGB- died Friday, at 87.
When asked how she would like to be remembered, Ginsburg replied:
“Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has.”
When a bright powerful light like this goes out – we each get to pick up a piece of her vision and carry it forward.
My encouragement to all is to take her life stories with us. Keep telling her story like we would tell stories around a campfire at night.
What story will you tell?
Is it that she was one of 9 women in her class at Harvard?
Is it that she was the first female tenured professor at Columbia Law School, and the second female Supreme Court Justice in history?
Is it that she doggedly fought for equal voice, pay, and respect for herself throughout her life, as well as for countless others?
Or that she had a daily work out regime that left many of her colleagues in the dust – doing push ups, medicine ball, and curling weights?
When someone like Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes we must keep telling her stories.
We must insist that others of her caliber fill her spot.
We get to recognize our own roles in working for justice and equality.
Thank you RBG for exemplifying how each of us can live a life guided by vision and conscience.
“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”- RBG
This is my love letter to you.
Let the vision of this powerful woman inspire you.