12 signs you are being called to womb healing

By Naomi Love

Aloha Beauty,

12 signs you are being called to Womb Healing…

When I was younger I was afraid of intimacy and would often avoid it, not just with people but in classes or practices that were of an intimate nature. I had not felt safe inside of my body and had largely shut down my sexuality because of it. I didn’t have a mother, and my relationships were the opposite of nurturing. I learned to shut down and in doing so I learned to survive. 

Yet, I found myself studying women’s herbal medicine and vitality, painting wombs and goddesses and crafting clay yonis. I surprised myself when I chose my herb school thesis to be on women’s health and treatments for STD’s, and vibrational remedies for sexual abuse.

I was being led through the portal of the womb. I didn’t know I was being called by it, but my actions showed me that I was. Although I resisted it at times the pull became undeniable. It asked me to face my own traumas and brought me into my voice, my truth and the depths of my own healing. 

I know many of you are called to the womb, to either your own or perhaps to support other women and womb carriers on their healing journey.

Here are 12 signs you are being called:

  1. You have survived sexual trauma 
  2. You have symptoms and/or pain with your cycle
  3. You are called to honor your blood
  4. You feel closed down to your sexuality
  5. You feel disconnected from your body
  6. You feel a lack of belonging 
  7. You are an empath 
  8. You have an aversion to sensual activities 
  9. You avoid intimacy 
  10. You are emotionally sensitive 
  11. You feel a block when trying to connect to your womb
  12. There is repeating generational or ancestral traumas

Have you ever experienced having an aversion to the thing that would help you the most?

The journey into the womb is a spiral, ever expanding and contracting. There is no end.. only a deepening. And, no matter where you are on your journey to the womb, you are not alone.

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