by Soniko Waira
Leadership Meet and Greet for the
Visionary Arts and Magick Academy
December 3, 2021, at 11:11 am PST
Register here
Huyayay my beloved Spiritual Tribe of Rainbow Warrior! Today, I humbly stand in from of you to invite you to gather. The time we’ve all been preparing for is here-now!
This is a call to all visionary artists, teachers, healers, conscious entrepreneurs. To the way-showers channeling the frequencies of the new paradigm, to bring forward your vision for the future, and manifest the most beautiful world we know is possible.
Why is so important for Visionary Tribal Leaders to come together?
After these couple of years of isolation, fear and separation we have come to a crossroads
Because now more than ever, we are awakening to the realization that everything is interconnected. We all can see that when we interact from this consciousness, magical co-creation takes place.
We are re-writing the old stories and we need all of us if we are going to birth a new reality in our collective cosmovision.
In my dream, I see people of all colours for the rainbow coming together in one heart, one prayer giving birth to a Galactic Indigenous Consciousness that is inclusive to all beings on this Pachamama.
I know in my heart, I am not the only one who sees this dream. I carry a piece of a larger vision that is up to all of us to realize.
Join us December 3, 2021, at 11:11 am PST for a 2-hour “Meet and Greet” ZOOM call, to hear from you – your dreams, and also, to present to you the Visionary Arts and Magick Academy dedicated to promoting self-empowerment and collective development.
This is an online portal that has the main intention to bridge ancient shamanic wisdom with the modern world views, offering a platform for education, healing & integration and ultimately to empower our transformation.
The possibilities for co-creation are endless!
To join this call please visit our event’s page and reserve your spot.
I look forward to gathering with you,
Your heart, my heart, your heart!
All my relations
Soniko Waira is a Musician, Artist, Visionary walking on the path of “the wise human”. Founder of the Heart Map Experience and the VisionaryTRiBE a visionary Academy for self-empowerment and collective development. He’s a seed carrier. His purpose in life is to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness; building bridges between the different worlds – connecting the ancient indigenous perspectives with the modern worldviews. Co-creating the galactic indigenous cosmovision of this new time with all his relations.