This one hour JOURNEY of Ancestral Soul Retrieval is CoCreavatars GIFT to each of us within our FIELD of arisings!
Its intentions:
- to bring calm abiding to this field of humanity’s releases,
- to offer the setting of the wilderness and rivers of all lifetimes, to offer a container of a circle of stones,
- to bring us together in spiritual family as living ancestors,
- to remember where we came from and what are mission truly is!
Gateways for Navigating the JOURNEY
We suggest that you cozy up within a blanket, upon the earth, in a space for sanctuary.
Bring what your inner child calls for before you say YES!
Wisest not to do anything other than this JOURNEY.
No more doing nor checklists for achievements.
Time to rest and to digest
the gifts of our ANCESTORS, most compassionate ones.
We recommend that you JOURNAL the day afterwards
with what is now alive and now arising, with as much detail as possible!
This is your JOURNEY, your awakening to what was within.

Welcome to your CIRCLE OF STONES!
Colour it lively with fresh eyes seeing what has been buried!
Move within this tableau emerging.
Sing sound, dance rhythmically.
Gather your ancestral photos, names, symbols, gifts and place these on your sacred altar.
Map of the Journey
*The rose of Mary; entering the sacred heart of this Mother
*Rest and relax, remember and receive, heal and retrieve
*All is temporary like a snowflake transforming
*Note the importance: incarnation is a choice, location is important

The story of our GRANDMOTHER begins: where does yours begin?
*Rites of passages now named
*The REBEL RAY and its purpose
*Developing the capacity to imagine and to access empathy
*Travelling the women’s bloodlines yielding the Rebel Ray’s Declaration of self beyond parental and societal authority
*Appreciating the courage of leaving, the resilience and survival instincts of landing in the unknown!
*Who was HER goto?
*Giving thanks for these bloodlines, shamans, medicine women giving us perspectives, gifting us with possibilities of what we are capable of and how LOVE can assist us in these reclamation times
Settling into the drum-heart-beat of the Great Mother
*Story continued: the logging camp, women with men within forest wilderness
*Where did they land in your ancestral bloodline and what was it like for genders?
*Move forward as ancestor into the unknown with curiosity and strength
*Women apprenticing to experienced women, cooking for men in the village
*Everyone is an immigrant; name these, give thanks, reclaim qualities
*Note the dharma of feeding hungry men
*Note the perception of loggers, men, who simply used brawn as expression of erotic powers, to provide work and money with no awareness of living breathing tree beings
*Laws of karma and attraction: woman to man within wilderness and the Eros of earth at work
*results in the beginning of YOU! stars sun moon snowflakes and ancient rocks

Daily rituals remembered: what were your grandparents daily rituals?
*Imagine being at particular rites of passage, first sex, marriage, conception, labour, delivery of first baby in foreign land without parents without family!
*Develop compassion
*Midwifery: who were the wise ones within your Motherline?
*Serve as your own midwife and gift starlight of Venus and love to any trauma of those rites of passage now
*Desires to learn how ancestors were taught with home as school
*Explore ancestral and your capacities developing through childhood
*Grandfathers GRIEF: loss of wilderness; perception of need to provide money through industrialized work places funded by wartimes
*Grandmothers GRIEF: loss of rebelliousness as resignation of position takes hold

*What were their gotos?
*Where was kindness, who were those teachers of LOVE?
*Food and Victory gardens: mother’s childhood consciousness of food and more than enough
*Multiple tongues, traditions, seeds, crops, harvests shared
*Friendship in the gardens with faraway homelands respected
*Imagine what seeds were gifted, collected, exchanged
*Imagine these gardens and seasons and harvests and sharing generously
*STAR of Venus to heal all the wounds of forgetfulness and scarcity

*Remembering the circle of stones: intentions and attentions
*Sacred fire and Helpers: calling others to gather four seasons
*Entrance way: Maria left; Joseph right; fire is crystal clarity of innocence returned *Everyone has a function to keep the family together
*GRIEF: loss of circles, of ancestral stories, of traditions, of teachings
*Archetypal lenses gradually retrieved: warrior, healer, lover, beloved, sage and elder, servant of the whole yields expressions of leadership according to what is awakened within the bodhi!
*GRIEF: what is alive beneath that?
*Songs sounds starlight begins the movement so antlers up!
*Moon rising radiating equally upon all beings*reindeer realizations
*Invitation: stay all night with us
Indigeneity is intelligence architectured with native wisdom

*SHE MOON is accompanied by constellations in the vast skies
*Swallow all of this organ by organ, sense by sense, cell by cell, radiating all systems with radiance and stalight
*YOU are now a heavenly bodhi with light within all bloodlines of reindeer lineages, migratory in heaven and you can rest in this!
*Moon sets, sun rises! All is equally lit at night and into daytime, no exceptions!
*Suns intelligence of light is cause of our enlightenment
A GOLDEN REINDEER, ancient and new!
*Now we purposefully reweave the ancient tapestry with a knowing that the global fabric has been torn and is to be stretched upon the loom of time space so that all threads multicultural and coloured aged and young can cocreate

*The MA, earth, is wild-hearted, united, unifying using all of HER expressions, none better than, lesser than.
*Each is a single expression a human experience and all are of HER
*Thirteen moons come and go so that we can ascend spirit MOUNTAINS of which we are made! Ascending we surrender surrender surrender to the above, to the below, to the deep within, to all around
*Now we surrender thanks to the Victory gardens, to the seeds, to the gifts of ancestors, to this incarnation
*Thanking the Mother line, the Father line, we return to our wild hearts and true natures, expanded, expansive, beyond the beyond
*The River of All Lifetimes has taken us to the flow swiftly now.

Are we aware of WHAT HAS BEEN MISSING?
*We are finally realizing that we are each of one great spiritual impulse of billions of years of her energies here to remember the circle of stones, the central fire, the gift of life itself.
We are the gift of our ancestors, we are called to acknowledge our source points and to give light and LOVE to all that is not of that !
For we ancestors have been singing for eons: