By Jenny Joy Lee
This year it has become crystal clear the power of language and voice and influence to literally shape the world around us. And as we are wording into reality the textures and dimensions of our lives and experiences, I am hearing a silent cry from the wounded and traumatized voices of the collective, that have not yet learned the sacred art of liberated truth expression and embodied self expression. There is so much silencing, cancelling, misinformation, triggers and tongue tied luminaries, that I have been guided by Mystery to step into my role as sister, as facilitator, as muse-ician, as catalyst for expression, and guide beloveds into their truth and out of fear. Beyond external censorship, there is an old story and deep pattern of internal censorship that has been influencing full truth endowment for too long, as as we rise together with bravery and sound and mature ownership for the responsibility to be in right relationship with yourself, we then develop even deeper tools to heal all of our relations, and that is the call I am hearing from the world now more than ever.
There are many voices in the greater collective echo chamber that are incredibly “power-full” and it is crucial that the dreamers and weavers and luminary leaders and mystics and earth lovers and soul speakers are sharing their voices into this prophetic pond more than ever before AND – for all those who do not yet consider their voice as something holds value, now is the moments to dismantle self shame and amnesia of the potency of your precious lived experience and wisdom and the most magnificent gold that could ever be shared to the beloved kin, within your own selves and the greater commUNITY.
May this work serve as a safe space to be held accountable, to be guided into the underground and overarching places that have seemed lost or hidden, and then bring the sharpened tools of awareness and sound to release all that is ready to go, to empty the body instrument to be an empty begging bowl for Spirit to fill with wisdom and wildness.
There will be JOY, there will be GRIEF, and below it all, there will be TRUTH. And the truth that can be named is not the truth… this, is what we are learning how to make space for.
Jenny Joy Lee
Mentor and Facilitator of Vocal Empowerment for Peace
Ceremonial LMT at The Sacred Wholeness
Musician at Jenny Jahlee
Social Media – @the_sacred_wholeness