Sister Love

By Veronica Paris
This is my beloved Sister Nicole.  Sister by choice, not by blood.  She has held sacred space for me as I have sat in my own pain and simply held love.  No solutions, judgement or quick fixes….just LOVE.

What I have come to know after coming from wounded feminine relationships is we can turn it all around.  The judgments, the jealously, the separation we women go through with other women.

The truth is, there is no more powerful force I have witnessed thus far in my almost 50 years of life then the love of a woman that feels like a Sister.

What judgements are you holding against your fellow Sisters? Do you know we all have the same insecurities about ourselves and while we may be at different evolutions with them, we are all one in the same.

May we all remember together we rise

About Veronica
Veronica is an Intuitive Spiritual Healer who helps individuals with transformational healing to create a more inspired and meaningful life, utilizing her ability to energetically connect to fragmented energy.