By Grandmother Kaariina

What would happen to our global biofield, our morphogenetic field, when millions chose NO MORE NEWS and NO MORE NETFLIX!
Here are alternatives to habituated programming of our neuronal and nervous systems:
DEFIANT SPIRITS: the modernist revolution of the Group of Seven*a contextual defining search for what is Canadian ARTinvoking that same spirit within readers now seeking to define health!*a mixture of anecdotes, biographies, social history, perceptive analysis: we can travel the parallel paths and bring light to these current circumstances we revoke imitation and enter the realms of the ARTISTsWAY OF LIVING fully*Ross King
THE GOOD LISTENER: Helen Bamber and a Life Against Cruelty*the path of a young jewish woman raised to confront and to face torture, victimization, abhorrent cruelty, yields within readers an emotional response of equivalency. How can humans hurt so intolerably other humans? *this was a biography that wove itself through my soul and bodies so much so that I could only read a chapter every 4 nights and dreamt so deeply as though working to clear the akashic records of nazi Germany, the making of unethical medical practices called EXPERIMENTS, and the awakening of my own whistleblowing within family, within students within our team, within the global viofield hosting allopathic and pharmaceutical EXPERIMENTS. Noteworthy especially for these times, The Discipline of Love, and Taking Histories! By Neil Belton.
TERRA NOVA: global revolution and the healing of love. Dieter Duhum; Sabina Lichtenfels, healing biotopes as a living EXPERIMENT serving as an antidote to the possibilities of repeating fascist and nazi terrorism*all of humanity is trapped in a collective field of trauma and what is now possible is to take on assessing the collective indicators of what the roots of such trauma induction are. To agree, with a small committed group of souls, to remember such horror and from within the grief, to arise at a more divine calling rather than retribution jealousy revenge punishment arriving on the tongues of judgment, is a calling for indefatigable energies. The Tamera Project in Southern Portugal is one of the severalcentres dedicated to personal relational earthwise global peace. NOTE: a wearthy work in progress addressing unresolved issuessuch as sexuality money women men gender relations ways of family raising children on land based practices without separation no isolation continuum of cocreative expressions all the while tracking the results with solar energies harnessed, water systems developped, housing systems that reflect individual familial needs as well as respecting community on earth.
THE DETOX MIRACLE SOURCEBOOK*raw foods and herbs for complete cellular regeneration. This is my original calling for my life’s purpose: to study HEALTH and all of its components, acknowledging the womb wounds inherited at conception from the genetic eggs of mothers lineages well as the genetic seeds of fathers lineage and consequently become the revolutionary that steps into coevolution with earth and within the elemental biofield! Robert Morse ND reminds us that natural ways are the ancient ways thousands of years of wisdom caring sharing growing yielding HEALTH while allopathy grounded in battlefields and emergencies is but 160 years old and completely separated from holistic patient story taking and from the medicines of the earth. SEE page five: Ten Steps for Success in Detoxing. From my perspective, for each family to say YES to this would end cycles of gender conflict, familial neglect of children, sexual abuse, bullying and what is very possible, ending genocide!
YES magazine: journalism for people building a better world. From Whidbey Island, Washington State, USA, 1 800 937 4451 is nonprofit independent reader-supported and joyously accountable for serving as a transparent organism, alive and well, gathering stories with inherent solutions for currently rising issues!*I particularly review the special issue for spring 2020:THE WORLD WE WANT and sharing five visions for a just, sustainable, compassionate future.
COLOUR ENERGY: colour your moods blends these booster blends of 100% naturally therapeutic oils blended with colours, offering their natural healing messages, invites us to render our GRIEF and its stages to a bath, to a self-massage, to a tender coloured hug for our beloved ones so that we can be the colourful difference, the change we want to see on earth!NOTE: Gma of the Turquoise Heart is METAMORPHOSIS! Change is good when it inspires you to reach for your divine accord and express your greater cocreative potentials!
TRUTH and FICTION: Coronavirus Gregg Braden offers a series of YouTubes relevant for the shift of perspectives of these times.*easeful to listen to, with clear power points, these are informative, challenging, reassuring, and kind.
MEDCRAM: a youtube series hosted by as delightfully curious and inquiring medical journalist, Doctors who are in the heat of this moment in the changing of the guard of Medicine, step into the limelight often times returning to neutricals such as Vitamin D3, quercetin, magnesium, Vitamin Cas well as clearly explaining the workings of a VIRUS, this one’s transmutative forms, the workings of the two pharmaceutical inoculations, while others stand for building and the howtos, of the psychoneuro immunological systems!
So, beloved CoCreavatars!
We are an international intergenerational multicultural community living spaciously on earth, devoted to exploring discovering remembering that we are the LivingAncestors, that we are living an EXPERIMENT that invites a healing of our collective hearts.
As we move through these rites of passage, we emerge with maturity and wisdom to know the difference and become the CHANGE!
Just for today, precious readers, share our resources, and give us yours so that our ImagiNation expands back to source with humour and with humility!
For all relations